Chapter One~

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PLEASE let me know what you think, even if you hate it, thanks! (:


I was running down a long, dark, seemingly neverending hallway. I could hear my feet pounding against the floor as I tried desperately to escape... what? I couldn't turn around, couldn't see what was making my breath come in short gasps, what was so scary that my heart was pounding five times too fast. All I knew was that I had to keep running or it, whatever it was, would get me.

Suddenly, my vision tilted forward as I tripped and went flying, my chin slamming into the floor. I moaned and tried desperately to get up, I had to keep runnning, I had to...

My blood ran cold as I heard a chuckle from the shadows of the hallway. I started to crawl away, trying to get as far away as I could before it... he.... got me.

"Why, oh why, do they always try to run?" the voice drawled. I stopped. Oh God, oh God, why haven't I woken up yet? I wondered. Usually I wake up by now.

"Oh, you won't be waking up from this nightmare for a long, long time. The fun hasn't even started yet. But I suppose for now, I should let you go." I realized I could move. I moaned as I carefully stood up and turned around. All I could see were a pair of eyes, the light reflecting off of them from some unseen source. I attempted to step forward, if only to get a better look at my killer. After all, it was just a dream, right? Might as well take the chance to find out who or what was always after me. In truth, I had these nightmares quite often, but I'd never gotten this far before. Usually, the monster got me after I fell down.

"Ah, ah, ah." he said, and I was once again trapped, unable to move from the waist down. "You don't get to see what I look like. Not yet anyways. I think it's just about time for you to wake up. So, off you go." A door opened, light shining through it into the dark hallway and casting a shadow on me. My feet mechanically jerked forward as I was forced to the door.

"Wait!" I yelled, panicking. My feet stopped.


"Who are you? What are you? Why didn't you kill me like you usually do?" The voice chuckled again.

"Oh, this is going to be fun. You'll find out who I am soon enough, love. Now, out you go." As I was forced through the door, I turned my head to try and see him. All I caught was a glimpse of green before everything turned black.

I started awake, breathing heavily and covered in a sheen of sweat. I lay there in the fading darkness for a minute before sitting up and rubbing my eyes tiredly. I looked at the clock. 3:21. Well, no chance of going back to bed now. I sighed. Why did these nightmares always have to screw with me on the most important days? I reached over and flicked on the desk lamp next to my bed. And screamed.

Leaning against my dresser was a guy. He casually put his hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear, "Shhhh. You'll wake the baby." Then chuckled. I pulled back curiously. That chuckle sounded hauntingly familiar. My fear came rushing back as I looked into a pair of bright green eyes.


So yeah, there's the first little blurb. It's short but I wanted the cutoff to be there. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I AM BEGGING YOU, COMMENT/RATE/BECOME A FAN. Even if you dont like it, feedback is appreciated and its nice to know im not just writing these to read my own words XD cheers!

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