Chapter 3~ (Pic of Dexy)

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Anybody listening? No? Well, I'll pretend you are anyways XD


Dexter's POV

I watched the door swing shut behind her and wondered what she thought of everything that happened. It's not every day your Nightmare comes to life and has a conversation with you. I looked out the window. The sun was just peeping up over the city skyline. I should be able to faze out now... Yep I thought as I looked down. I could just barely see my body and that meant I was invisible to the humans. I wandered throguh the open door and down the stairs to where I knew her dad would be sitting, reading a book and drinking coffee. He was a stout man with a kind face, brown hair and an accompanying mustache. I sat down in the chair opposite him, waiting for Raelle to come downstairs and wondering if she knew just how much her life had changed.

Raelle's POV

I hummed in the shower, going over everything that just happened. A Nightmare come to life... and he didn't seem all bad, either, which was weird considering what he was. Oh well. I laughed to myself when I realized how easily I accepted it.

I hopped out of the shower and quickly put my long red locks back into a bun, pinning it so tightly to my head I could feel my hair being pulled. I left a few curls loose and did a quick sweep of mascara, then opened the door cautiously. The room was empty.

I stepped out in my towel and flung open my closet, pulling out my barista skirt and the black tank top with "The Mad Hatter Cafe" written on it in blue handwriting. I went back to the bathroom to change and when I came out, Dexter was still M.I.A.

Feeling foolish, I called out quietly, "Dexter? Are you here?" No answer. Oh well, I thought as I headed downstairs, I guess he had some Nightmare-y business to take care of or something. I froze as I entered the kitchen. Sitting at the table was my father, and directly across from him was Dexter, making faces. They both looked up when I came in, and Dad smiled warmly at me.

"Morning, sweetie." he said as I kissed him on the cheek. "Theres coffee in the pot." Dex nodded at me in greeting.

"Morning." I murmured to both of them, pouring myself a cup of coffee and heading onto the small balcony to have a smoke. My dad pretended he didn't know, but we both knew he did. He accepted it because what else could he do? Dexter followed me and as I sat down in one of the hard plastic white lawn chairs, he grinned. I raised my eyebrow.

"Why so peppy? You're a nightmare, aren't you supposed to be all angry and emo and sh*t?" I said bluntly, smiling behind my coffee.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that now that introductions are over, I get to... play with you a bit." An evil glint flashed in his eyes and I tried to ignore my stomach dropping out. What did I get myself into? I wondered. I finished my coffee and stood up, sliding the door back open as I stubbed out my smoke. I hastily threw my cup into the sink, murmured a quick goodbye to my dad, and ran out the door, Dex following behind.

The subway was crowded and smelly, as always. I wrinkled my nose and tried not to stand too close to the assortment of businessmen, homeless people, and teenagers. Luckily my work was only three stops away from my house, and I breathed in the smell of caffiene with relief and comfort as I walked into the tiny cafe. I had been coming here for a few years before the manager had flat out offered me a job. Although, he was rarely ever there now, instead we had-

"Hello, Raelle. You're looking late this morning." said a naselly voice behind me. I turned to face Brandon, a snivelling, pimply faced, jerk, already sucking up my sarcastic retort and putting a smile on my face.

"Sorry Brandon. I'm..." I glanced at the clock, and barely restrained myself from rolling my eyes. "Three minutes late. My deepest apologies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have customers to serve." I turned and tied my apron on, grabbing a pen and pad while he sputtered behind me. I could hear Dex chuckling and smiled slightly.

The day past faster than normal, with Dexter entertaining me by pranking Brandon and pulling faces behind the customers. Before I knew it, it was time to go home. I was just putting my apron away when I noticed Dexter had disappeared. Oh well, he must have other things to attend to. I turned back around just as a straggler walked in. He looked very familiar, with shaggy black hair falling into his emerald green eyes...I bit back a laugh.

"Got time for one more?" he asked, smiling. I grinned and turned the coffee pot back on, glad to have some company. Brandon glared from down the counter but said nothing, too busy picking at his scabby face. I tried to hold back my puke and swivelled back to Dex to see him watching me, a devilish twinkle in his eyes. I poured his coffee self conciously, wondering what he was looking at. I raised my eyes at him as I set his cup down.

"Do I have something in my teeth or something?" I asked, not being able to take it anymore.

"Nope, you're just interesting to watch." Ummm... what?

"Oh, uh, okay then. I'm about ready to ditch, you done?" He chugged the last of his coffee with relish and I reluctantly walked over to Brandon.

"My shift is done, I'll see you on Wednesday." He merely glared at me, so I untied my apron and swept out of the cafe, Dexter in my wake. When I finally got home, I barely said two words to my dad, quickly heating up a microwave dinner before showering and getting into bed. I was just about asleep when my window slid open and there stood Dexter, his green eyes glinting in the light like a cat's. He crouched down next to me and whispered "sweet dreams." before kissing my cheek and disappearing. I sat up, confused, but could feel my lids getting heavy, so I didn't try to fight it, sliding back down into the comfort of my bed. And then the dream started.

"Raelle. Raelle, wake up." Someone was calling my name softly, so I opened my eyes to a moonlight field. I looked around, surprised. I couldn't see whoever was calling me. I looked down at myself, surprised. I was wearing a simple white shift dress, with some soft moccaisin slippers. Suddenly, I felt two strong, warm... wings? wrap around me. What? I wondered, turning around to find myself wrapped in Dexter's embrace. He was somehow shirtless, but I barely noticed. Unfurled from his back were two huge, black wings, with a silvery sheen to them. They wrapped around me for a second, and I reveled in the feeling of soft, downy feathers. He pulled me closer and I shivered, but not from the coldness of the night.

"Don't be afraid, this is what's supposed to happen..." he murmured in my ear. I looked up to ask him what he was talking about but met his lips instead...


end of chapter 3 :D i know it was short but i promise more is coming soon! the pic on the side is my actual friend dexter who inspired the story, i know he has blonde hair here, but i couldnt find the pic of him i was gonna orginally use, and i thought this one was pretty hot :P imagine him with black hair and green eyes and there ya have it! by the way, if anyone is looking for a co author, im open to it! look in my stories for my idea or email me your own (my email is in the sotry idea :P) cheers! vote if you want more!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2012 ⏰

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