Chapter 6

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Holy Cow here we go! Now the interesting stuff happens! Hold on to your hats folks were going over the first drop in this roller coaster XD *I am not responsible for any lost items--or lunch on this ride! minor language ahead and well what the heck this whole story so far :P

It was four thirty PM and Sans with the rest of the volunteers were sitting taking a break, they would start letting the masses in at five to get them out of the cold, and give them a chance to find seats, as well as form tensions between one another. The guards outside already had their hands full people were lining up and humans were standing off to the sides anxiously wanting to get in so they could see the human beacon. It was cold today—no more snow in the forecast for this week but the sky was relatively clear, a thin layer of clouds hid the sun as it was getting ready to head down for the night...

He looked up at the rest of his compatriots dressed in a sea of black fabric and silver embellishments—they were dressed for a funeral he just knew it. Absently he fiddled with the collar on his wrist he had tucked the name tag into the layers of leather to hide its appearance but he had it hidden in the jacket he wore another part of the uniform for cold weather. He wondered for a brief second how Rose what Rose was doing and if she was bored back at the house.

Rose was dressed in a black tailored pant suit, she had been measured for earlier today—a purple blouse that seemed ironically perfect for her...since that was now her soul color. She had an expensive pair of high heels on she was trying not to break her neck the caked her in makeup and did her hair—a necklace was presented to her carrying Asgore's regel royal seal.

She fiddled with it her mind on a million and one things...she would be asked to speak she was sure—some acceptance speech—the monsters didn't believe in practicing a speech but that they should come from the heart be forged in emotion and her main one right now was fear...a cold sweat crawled down her back as she felt sick.

Looking at the antique grandfather clock in the corner of the grand room in the meeting hall she saw it was five...well they were letting the monsters and humans in now...she looked out the window as the ancient clock tolled why did she feel like these were funeral bells...and not ones where she could make history? Make a difference.

Sans and the others were already patrolling the crowds heavily—it was a dull roar in the meeting hall a large stage loomed with the grand chairs of the council members...they were starting to arrive—the empty seat that belong to the king and the one for the human. Sans turned his attention to the crowed and saw a familiar flame elemental that looked a lot better than the last time he saw him. He gave a small wave as Grillby started weaving in and out of the crowds to get to him. Sans felt worry crease his brow.

"Hey Grillbz—you look a lot better man."

"Thank you Sans... is Rose here?" he was still searching the crowd as he walked up.

"I would hope not. I hope she stayed home watches this on TV or something..."

"She came to the bar again—she wanted to tell me something—but Alps and his goons were there. I had to put up an act...I think I upset her."

"Funny how that works huh?" Sans wouldn't let the anger slip this time...this was strike two...his Cyan magic formed in his eye a non-verbal warning.

"Sans..." he sighed.

"Look Grillbz I will not blame you pretend with the anti-human sentiment because you have a business to run, but don't jerk her are either with change or against it. Pick a side and stop toying with her. Because you don't want to have a bad time, am I right?"

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