Chapter 16

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Alert your Llamas...because here comes the drama!

Sans growled when he woke up—his whole body ached—his skull felt like it would split as he took a few deep breaths to clear his foggy head. What the hell happened? He had panicked—the throbbing in his leg...the letter opener.

"ROSE!" he cried out suddenly remembering, he jerked to sit up but his wrists and ankles were securely anchored down with straps to the metal exam table...what the hell?

Papyrus and Undyne rushed in followed by a worried Alphys. "Sans." Undyne spoke up. "Please don't struggle."

"What the hell is going on... why am I tied down...where is Rose?"

"Were looking for her Sans...the whole guard is looking for her...but she simply vanished...Alphys's security cameras show her there one moment and gone the next." Undyne sighed watching her friend go slack against the straps. Sans looked over to Pap and felt his soul tighten.

"H—hey Paps—I guess Undyne has caught you up on what's going on?" Sans swallowed hard dropping his eyes from his brothers hurt look.

"I can't believe you hid that from me...but it explains your changes." Pap seemed uncomfortable and rubbed his arm looking away as well...did Sans unnerve him that much?

"C-changes?" he looked at them owlishly.

"S—Sans you are physically changing." Alphys walked up frowning up at him. "N—nothing too drastic but people will n-notice."

"I can't worry about that. I need to get out of here and look for her Alphys...sitting here is wasting time."

"Sans stop! Your condition is out of control." Undyne gripped her hands into fists, raw emotion bubbling to the surface. "This is not a game if you go running for her and lose yourself you could end up hurting her Sans... or other people is that what you want?"

"Of course it's what you want..." the voice gushed in excitement.

"N—NO!" he grit his teeth clenching them together harder. A flicker of nightmares face flashed in his mind's eye...that bastard...he was behind it...he had done this to him.


"The—voice—I won't let it win... I'm sorry!" he used his powers the teleportation was violent his friends cried out in shock his brother looking broken.

Sans was suddenly in the middle of Grillby's he slammed to the floor startling patrons as his energy washed over the place. Napkins took flight as food and plates were strewn about—he landed hard on his ass as he climbed to his feet shakily, god his magic was so wild. Brushing off he met the gazes of the patrons.

They were horrified. Tensing he turned his back was to Grillby as he spun to see his old friend who looked as shocked and alarmed as the rest. "G-Grillbz it's just me." He felt his blood run cold as he heard his had gotten deeper—a strange quality he was not used to entered it. He placed a hand on his throat his eyes widened as he was suddenly unsure.


He smiled shakily and walked up to the bartender and owner. "Grillbz I need your help—someone took Rose and I think I know who."

"Sans—what has happened to you?"

"Not now Grillby..." then Sans realized Grillby was looking up to see into his eyes. He brushed it he was not going to accept the fact he was turning into that monster he saw in his dreams...he was not some demon like monster.

"Y-you said someone took her...why are you here then?"

"I need information—the shadow prick—he's an elemental do you know him?" Sans felt like he was in a he couldn't think clearly. He raised his hands and rubbed his forehead...

"He never came in here before that day you and Rose acted strange...but he is not unknown in these parts he used to be a part of the Warren...Sans?"

Sans placed his hand on the counter and looked down...saw it...clawed winced taking a heavy seat on the stool it groaned under his weight. "I—I am really starting to freak out."

"Then do it—take out your frustrations out on Grillby—ever wondered what it felt like to snuff out a flame? The candle stick deserves it...he went behind your back to look for this nightmare guy...he should have let you know earlier—before Rose went missing."

"Sans?" Grillby was beside him—placing a hand on his arm. "Come with me to the back...y-you aren't acting yourself."

"M—myself? Oh—Sure Grillby." He shook his head and then shoved the voice towards the don't let it win.

He was taken to the back. "Sans that elemental his name is Tenebris—he works the underground now...for an earth elemental named Granite...that's all I could get...Sans?"

"I'm s—sorry I was distracted." Sans shook his head.

"Sans do I need to call Undyne or Papyrus?"

"N—no I'm fine really Grillby." That sobered him up. "I just need to find Rose...and I think that shadow tag reject has her."

"Sans you are in no state to rush off like this...what happened...why do you look like this?" he growled looking him over.

"Heh—I don't have a mirror." Sans shrugged some of his old self rubbing though.

"You are taller than Papyrus! You have steak knives for teeth, and your eyes are red...Sans you look wild look at your hands!"

Sans eyes widened in horror. "You have a mirror?"

Grillby slapped a hand over his face in exasperation. He left the back quickly and got a serving platter that had a semi-reflective surface handing it over as Sans took it he raised it to his face.

"Heh—ya miss me pal?" the image smiled back. Sans gasped releasing the platter stumbling back a few that damn macabre image of himself was back staring him in the was him!

"Sans—are you ok?"

"No—no I'm not. I don't have a lot of time. I got to head underground and find this Granite yahoo...he's a part of the human smuggling ring...heard of him before." he teleported again...Grillby gasped as another powerful wash of energy crashed into him and around the room.

Wow this chapter was a little short, I apologize readers. Well what did you think? Let me know in the comments, vote and happy reading out there :D

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