Chapter 20

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Last Chapter folks! another book has come to an end! :D Lets get this chapter started shall we? Question, Comment, vote!

The light was blinding maybe searing would be a better description for it but when the "smoke settled and the dust cleared" Rose found herself spent—eyes watering from the light she felt like she had been through the wringer. That had to have worked right—she had no idea if that was going to work! She could have died! The power of her over stimulated soul had blown her back—she left a trail in the mud shoved back several feet. Alphys was next to her a moment later helping her sit up.

"T-that was the most reckless thing!" her clawed hands on her shoulder as Rose leaned back into the scientist wanting nothing more than a nap.

"I—did it work?"

"I—I am not sure."

"Pap—Undyne?" she called out horse hope her friends and family was alright. She tried to sit up more but the pain all over her body was almost too much, her world was swimming around her.

"Right here Tiny Rose—brother!" Pap rushed past them and dove to his knees where his unconscious brother laid prone on the soggy soil.


One moment he was wresting against his darker side to wrestle control with Tenebris distracted with the inner turmoil he was causing for them all to be washed in a hellish white light—searing the collective group screamed and Sans felt like he was being torn apart---it felt like his soul was turning to ash. He screamed out feeling his body being knocked back—Rose had tried to save him—the injection jabbed into the deep wound caused by Undyne's spear. His other side had rebelled and lashed out but Sans kept the nightmare version from killing her. He had no idea she had more of those things on her...she had jabbed herself in a last ditch attempt to subdue him...then darkness after the flash of her soul...

Now he was coming to—being shook by his brother.

He opened his eyes still white washed from a few moments before—he groaned squeezing them shut again... "Pap—Rose...?"

"She is alright—battered and bruised but her bravery and determination saw her through." He was being pulled to his feet—head swimming he leaned heavy on Pap as he tried to shake the weak feeling he was having. He opened his eyes again and the others seemed tense he looked down at his hands the claws were gone—he didn't loom over his brother he was back to his normal height...thank god he didn't look like a monster anymore.

"Sans?" Rose looked up at him unsure...oh god...what he had done to her...

"Rose." He covered his face feeling the wracking sob rattle him.

"Sans we need to—to get back to the lab...we need to see if this worked." Alphys urged looking around nervously.

"God Sans you were a beast in battle—I knew you were holding back in training." Undyne slapped his shoulder the wounded one as he snarled a growl his knees going weak a moment.

"Undyne!" Pap barked shocked she had done such a thing.

"Sorry Sans!" she chucked sheepishly and then went to Rose. "Come on pipsqueak."

Rose was yanked to her feet and off them in a moment being carried bride style by the muscle bound monster. "Ah—U—Undyne!" she called out half from the jarring pain and half from mortification from the act her face was a dark red.

"Alphys said get back to the lab and if we had to wait for you to hobble back it will take us years!" she laughed deeply and bounded leading the way. Alphys running to keep up with Sans and Pap lagging in the back.

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