Thanks Walking Dead

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Welp since I've watch the Walking Dead and finally got caught up I've made my own Zombie Apocalypse

Though I don't have a good title yet for it but I did make two names for the Zombies

Pukers- Zombies puking up their virus on the person that can turned them

Leechers- Where instead of biting Zombies suck out the human blood system which can also make the person into a leecher

The Leechers are the most strongest zombies considering they suck out blood and have good hearing while the Pukers are the most ugly Zombies to be seen and are probably blind

And even if I don't a name for my series yet I did make a character in the works

Zaid Ross he is the main character of the not yet named series

And I'm still working on him

This is what happens when Walking Dead gives you something to do

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