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The car ride wasn't that long till we got to the beach. I for some reason I was feeling tired.

"You coming or what." James said as he put his hand out for me

"Oh um yeah sorry." I said

James giggled and helped me out. He pulled me into his chest and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. When we pulled away and I laughed like an idiot

"You have such a cute laugh." James said walking by my side

"I know." I said with a smirk

We walked over to this spot under a huge palm tree. Me and every one else set out towels on the sand and our other stuff. Before I could even do that the boys were already drinking and peeling off their shirts (except cliff) and running to the water.

Kirk and James had surfboards. Kirk tripped over the bottom of it while running to the water. Me and beth burst out laughing. He got up and flipped us off playfully.

"What time!" Beth shouted

I started laughing even harder.

Kirk just smiled and ran off. Cliff and lars were throwing sand at eachother and laughing

"Buncha 5 year olds!" I shouted at them I shouldn't of said that because they ran over to beth and I and started flinging sand at us.

"Its on assholes!" Beth shouted! Me and beth were covered in mushy wet sand so were Lars and cliff." But that didn't stop us. I ran over to Lars with a handful and put it right on his hair. Beth did the same to cliff. They started screaming and touching their hair

"MY HAIR!" Lars shouted

"My hair is all fucked up now!" Cliff said

"You princesses know it was gonna get ruined anyways?" I said. Beth and I high gives eachother

"Oh you guys are gonna get it!!" Lars said playfully
They started chasing us. I quickly ran out of breath. Lars picked me up and started running towards the water. I looked behind and cliff already got a hold of beth. Me and beth were laughing

"Lars you shit put me down!!" I said laughing

"Never!!" He said

Cliff ran over to us holding beth. They nodded to eachother and started laughing

"This is what you guys get for messing up our hair!!!" Lars said playfully

In less than a few seconds me and beth were in the cold water soaking wet.

"You dicks!!!" I yelled

They were laughing their asses of with sand still in their hair they looked funny so I started laughing.

Suddenly kirk and James ran over to us

"We heard screaming you girls OK?!" James said

"It was those assholes." I said giggling pointing to Lars and cliff

Kirk lifted beth bridal style. They were so cute together

"James help me up." I said holding my arm out.

He grabbed my arm and with all my strength I tugged him into the water like he did to me that night we hung out.

"Well played trace." He said smirking

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