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1 week later
Jame's POV
Every night for the past week i've been having the same dream. I knew damm well something was up. I've never trusted Dave even even when he was in the band with us. When I first met dave. Him lars and I became best friends really fast but he changed. Instead of going to band rehearsals we would end up finding him asleep on the couch with a beer still in hand.

"Dave wake up you just missed rehearsals." Lars said lightly him

"Whatever." Dave mumbled rolling over

"Dave if you keep this up were gonna have to kick you out." Cliff said

"Ugh fine I'm sorry." He said with a burp. Me and the guys just looked at eachother and waked away leaving Dave alone.

"James I'm tired of him doing shit like this." Lars said

"I know man but he's all we got leave him be." I said. Lars gave me a dirty look and walked away

I also remember the day we met Tracey. We were all at home then Dave walks in and he has his arm around some girl with sparkly green eyes dark brown hair and pale skin.

"Hey fellas I want you guys to meet my new girlfriend Tracey." He said

"Hi nice to meet you all." She said shyly

"Babe these are my bandmates James Lars and Cliff." He said pointing to each of us

"Hey." We all said the same time. I already saw Lars and Cliff checking her out.

About 3 months later me Tracey and the boys became good friends.

I'm gonna admit I had a crush on her but I hid it as best as possible. It was one of those love at first sight things.

Dave would get really jealous and wouldn't let her hang out with us. But when we would see her she would be really quiet and always had some cut and bruise on her arms, face, or stomach. I would try to ask her but she would never tell me. So I knew something was up.

A/N short chapter I AM SO SORRY I AM NOT UPDATING!!!😭😭 its just I have school and I'm currently helping my friend write a new story I promise I will update beth and Kirk sequel as soon as possible its just I run out of ideas and yah I hope you guys get it .😂😛 I promise I'll try to update more! Luv u all!!💕💕💕🎡😆👌

Holy wars - Fight fire with fire James Hetfield Dave MustaineWhere stories live. Discover now