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The hours passed by quick the sun was already beginning to set. Me and the boys were having the best time ever. The boys were doing a "who can chug a beer the fastest" contest.

You'd be amazed on how fast they can do that the winner was Cliff. Me and James were having so much fun he was being such a gentleman it surprised me.

"Hey Trace wanna go for a walk just you and me." He said with a smile

"Sure." I said

"C'mon." He said putting his hand out for me

We walked the along the sand and I gotta admit it was really Romantic. About halfway we found an area where there was no people just me and him.

"Wanna sit down here." He said

"Yeah my legs are getting tired."

He chuckled and we sat down on the sand.

"Trace when I was younger before I met Lars me and some of my old friends would come here to surf and watch the sunset and drink. Its really cool."

I giggled and looked at his gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

"James?" I said

"Yeah?" He said raising an eyebrow

"Uh what did you want to ask me?"

He just  looked down

"Well uh you see." He said playing with his blonde locks
"What is it I said playing with his hair

He looked at me for a while the sky was pink and the orange rays of the sun began to set. I felt my heart pounding.

"Tracey you already know I'm in love with you right." He said
holding my hand

"Yes and so am i." I said

"Really?" He said with a smile

"Yes really ." I said playfully shoving him

"Now what are you gonna ask me?" I said

"Tracey will you be my girlfriend?" He said nervously

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and smiled and threw myself in his arms

"Yes!!" I said happily

James picked me up and spinned me around. I suddenly without thinking placed my lips onto his and kissed him.

He didn't pull away it was passionate. I felt so alive and free I never felt that way with Dave.

"I love you." He said

"I love you to." I said smiling

"Your so fucking adorable it kills me!" He said

Then we heard a bunch of voices cheering and clapping we turned around at the same time and saw cliff Lars Kirk and beth.

"Our baby het is all grown up!" Cliff said pretending to cry

"About time!!" Beth said

"You guys are so cute it kills me!" Lars said

"We knew you guys loved eachother!" Kirk said as he wrapped his arms around beth

James kissed my forehead lightly and picked me up bridal style.

"James what are you- ahhhh" I screamed he was running toward the ocean (not again!)

"You haven't touched the water since we got here!" He said holding me tightly

"Nooo James!!" I begged

I was to late he ran into the water still holding me I got soaking wet once again the cool water felt great. I looked up at James who was smiling

"You asshole!" I shouted

"Love you to baby" he said

He just called me baby!

Holy wars - Fight fire with fire James Hetfield Dave MustaineWhere stories live. Discover now