3 - I'm Sorry

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“Is this the place?” Han glanced at the young woman on the seat next to him. “Yes, this is it” Mira nodded to the medium sized two story house with a garage on the lower level. She opened the cars door and slowly started to get out but not without cringing at every move she made. That is, until Han appeared next to her and helped her out the car gently. “Want some help? I can take you to your bed” he said while he supported most of her body.

Mira couldn’t help but snort “Care to repeat that?” she smirked and looked at him from the corner of her eye. Han blinked but he did as he was told.

“Uh… Want some help?”

“No, not that, what you said after that”

“I… I can take you to your bed…” Han hummed pensively “Well I was sincerely offering to help you to get to your bed” he leaned his face closer to hers and moved his lips next to her ear “But if you want some help in another… department, I’ll be more than happy to lend you a hand, an arm… my body

“Down boy, down” She joked. Han chuckled and shook his head in amusement before they started walking towards the house.

After several stumbles and many body to body bumping they finally reached the master bedroom. Once Han helped the lady on her bed, he curiously looked around “Your place is nice, but simple” Mira looked at him “Were you expecting something else?” He shrugged.

Han started to look around the room as if he were looking for something “Where’s your cellphone?” Mira looked confused but still she pointed at brown nightstand next to the bed “It’s inside the drawer”

He grabbed it and started fooling around with it for a couple of minutes “What are you doing?” Mira asked slowly.

“Now you have my number, just in case”


“Mira” Shaw gazed at her from where he sat. Mira was standing at the entrance of their quarters looking like a scolded puppy.

“What happened?” His eyes turned cold when he saw her injuries. “One of the members of the crew you wanted me to watch challenged me to a race, but when she noticed she was going to lose, she shot the tire of my bike” she cringed as she moved to lean her body against the nearest wall.

Shaw raised his hand and pointed at Mira, which translated as an order for Klaus to go and get her.

“Take her to the room”

Klaus lifted her bridal style and started walking away. “Wait!” Mira looked scared and agitated as she tried to look at Shaw from over the muscle man’s shoulder. No one turned to look at her except for Owen; they all knew that what happened between their leader and the girl was none of their business.


“I’m so sorry! I should have been more careful!”

“Y-You’re not m-mad at me right?”

Shaw side glanced at her “Klaus

Said man nodded once and took her away.


Han entered the hideout and was greeted by the crew “Everything in order?” Dom looked at him. They were currently trying to figure out how to go passed the cameras if none of the cars they had gotten had really worked.

“Just left the girl at her house, where is Gisele?” Han looked at the faces but didn’t find the former agent. Roman couldn’t help but smirk “Didn’t come back after the cat fight, but please do tell, how did it go with that hot chick? Mira right?” Han shrugged. The loud guy was about to complain at the lack of response when Brian decided to interrupt them.

“Han, it’s your turn, you are our best shot, if you don’t get to pass through the cameras unnoticed, then were over”


A painful scream echoed around the hallow building, the gang tried not to react upon Mira’s pain, they were supposed to be cold blooded killers, but they had to admit Evans was their soft spot. Sadly, Shaw had a leash and collar on her; he treated her as his slave and had decided long ago that he could do whatever he wanted to her. 

Owen Shaw lashed the whip against the smooth skin of her back, but he made sure not to apply too much strength enough to break skin. He didn’t want to scar her beautiful body. Mira gritted her teeth, her eyes were clenched shut, but still the pain was too much, and she couldn’t help but cry.

They were both on the bed in only their underwear; she was on her knees with her wrists handcuffed to the headboard. Shaw was behind her with the whip on his hand, and the other held a controller.

“I have trained you to be one of the best! You should have known better!” Mira would have said something, if it weren’t for the piece of cloth shoved in their mouth. “You gave yourself away! I bet you gave them your name, now they can dig information on you!” He leaned closer to her just to punch her on her side.

Shaw then grazed her right ear with his lips and whispered “You know Mira, I’m getting tired of waiting for you. I promised I wouldn’t force myself on you until you were 18, but your 20 now”

“You kept pushing me away, but I think I’m done love”

“Next time you fuck up, I’ll have you screaming under me for mercy”

"No, Shaw please! I'm sorry!"        

Slave [Han/OC Fast and Furious story]Where stories live. Discover now