8 - Her Leader

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5 Months later, Han had moved to a simple apartment at Hong Kong living a life with no surprises after successfully burying the memories of Mira in the not so far away past.

But to tell you the truth, he had some help that came to him in the form of Gisele Yashar knocking at his door and kissing him the instant he opened the door. Now they both lay naked on his bed with her arms wrapped around his torso whispering seductively to his ears.

Was this the perfect way to forget his problems?


Did it effectively erase Mira’s face from his mind?


Was he enjoying it?

Surprisingly, his answer was a solid no.

He felt as if he had left everything related to Mira behind, but somehow he remembered the intensity and the warmth he received from his encounter with her, he knew they had shared something far beyond and completely different from the simple physical orgasm that Gisele brought him. A gentle kiss from Mira elevated his body heat immensely, fogging his mind from reality like no drug could  whereas with Gisele he needed to experience sex and even then, the feeling wasn’t extraordinary, it was almost bland. Han was an experienced man inside the sexual department, so he knew how to enjoy himself,  but after sharing the short-lived encounter with Mira, no hardcore sex with any exotic beauty could satisfy his hunger for warmth.

Hunger for the warmth that his chest was missing. His soul and heart, to be precisely.


Mira worked on her Yuri Shif Custom motorcycle [motorcycle on the picture on the right] while she waited for the rest of the crew. She was the one in charge of steeling the data base from Interpol while the rest distracted all the police wreaking havoc at a safe distance away from where she was. And everything went as they planned.

The crew came in sporting barely any physical damage and they each walked to their designated spots as they all looked at Mira expectantly. Just then, Shaw walked behind Mira wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. Letty could help but cringe at the site, knowing well the reality behind their deranged relationship.

“Did you get it?” Owen looked at Mira who nodded pointing at the screens “I already hacked it, so there’s easy access now” she declared softly. Shaw grinned in approval, but he made sure to get back to business.

Owen softly kissed her cheek before letting her go and walking back to the table “Well, the people who were after us today, they’re not the normal policemen; the way the drove through the traffic suggests they have more skills than average. How do I know this? Because they learn fast and act upon observations, not chasing blindly like the typical police” Mira frowned when she heard this. Did this mean that they were a big treat against them? She looked around at the rest of her teammates, and they all looked relatively fine, as if they didn’t have any conflicts or struggles during the mission.

Shaw leaned over the table staring at everyone with a calculated look “We need full data about them and their skills, I want you prepared to fight back and defend yourselves, and lastly, I want you all focused on the goal”

And just like that, Vegh, the foreign blonde chick specialized in guns walked forward with a portfolio. Mira moved next to Letty for a closer view of the files, and barely managed to contain herself once she saw who the offending team was.

Vegh started dispersing the information “We have O’Connor, Toretto, Parker, and the rest, I went through their info, and I have to say, they seem like common criminals to me” she murmured the last part, who know is she was talking to herself, but everyone heard her anyways.

“If you underestimate them, you will be brought down by them” Shaw glared at the crew “This common criminals almost stopped us today, which means that they are almost on the same level as us”  

Mira grasped Letty’s hand behind her back and away from everyone’s eyes and squeezed it softly when she felt Shaw’s eyes on her.

“Now, if I remember correctly, this is the same team I sent you to observe a while ago right Mira?”

Letty glanced at her from the corner of her eyes, and saw her tense up, so she squeezed her hand back. Mira only nodded in response.

“Ok then, we need to know all the observations you made about them. I want the rest of you to investigate all you can about them, we need to know about their personal lives, how they act, find their weaknesses and play them according to it” with a single glance from Shaw, the crew moved to their posts and started digging an detail from Toretto’s crew. Mira was about to go back to working on her Ducati, until Shaw grasped her hand and gently pulled her away to his room.

“Let’s take a bath shall we” he whispered to her, and Mira had no other option but to follow him.


Dom’s crew stared at the screens intensely. Never had they encountered criminals like them, Shaw’s team was just in a much higher level.

The crew was incomplete this time, because they chad failed to find Tego and Leo, but they were now working side by side with Hobbs and his new partner Riley. Dom had hesitated into involving Gisele, but at the end, it was Han who told him not to, he asked why and the answer he got was that Han just couldn’t tolerate her anymore.

Anyways, back to the current situation, Hobbs and Riley walked in with bad news.

“Turns out the guys we were chasing, were just the distraction while another member of their crew stole the data base from Interpol, which contains all info about the location of the final object their looking for” Hobbs announced before throwing something to the desk.

Everyone moved closer to take a look at it. With a single glance, Brian was left shocked and couldn’t stop himself before he loudly cursed.

“What the hell?!”

Tej and Roman were speechless once they recognized the face on the picture Hobbs threw to the table.

Han gazed at the picture with deep emotions etched on his eyes “So this means… Owen Shaw is Mira’s leader”

Brian sighed deeply “No wonder she told us there was no way she could leave her crew, they were so close to destroying us back there!”



Hope you enjoyed it!!! Please if you have any critisism or comment, leave a review :)

Love you people!

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