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      Steve walked in the room angry, breathing heavily. He threw his shield, letting it hit the wall to his right "dammit!„ his voice was sharp and loud.
With his fists he pounced the wooden table and then he just rested there with his hands on the wood, trying to calm down as he breathed tiredly.

"Cap! this is getting out of control!„ Tony's voice was like a punch on the stomach. Steven knew that what he said was true but he couldn't face it not yet.

"It's time Steve„ Natasha walked in the room as well, scratched on several places, her fists bruised from the punches she gave.
Again Steve felt like he was being punched in the stomach when Natasha spoke.

Wanda entered slowly. She saw Steve's shield on the floor and with a slow pace moved closer to it. She held it in her hands looking at it for a few minutes before placing it on the table, right in front of Steve.

Seeing his shield, he quickly raised his head to look at Wanda. He noticed a scratch on her cheek, tears rolling down her eyes.

"I can't Wanda...„ he finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"And I don't want to either!„ she replied sharply, she didn't like the idea more than Steve did but unlike Steve, she had faced the truth. They had to bring back Anastasia back before it all went to hell. "but we have to do it!„ her voice was louder, her Russian accent easily heard through her words.

"You are not the only one that cared for her.„ said Tony "We all made a choice to protect her! It was a good choice but now we have to...„ he paused, taking a breath before beginning to speak again "we have to do this!„

"Do what?„ Steve spoke louder now, Turning to face tony. Seeing Natasha standing only a few steps away from him, next to Clint and on her right there was Banner, everyone looking at The great captain America, everyone worried. "destroy her life again?„ he looked down, realizing that his tone was louder than it should have. "You wanna do that to her again? Fine! Go ahead!„ he looked up "I'm not gonna be part of it!„

"Steve! If he finds her- Do you realize what's gonna happen?„ said Tony.

Natasha made a step forward, signaling tony to stop talking.
"Its better if we warn her, think about it. If we don't say anything, he will get to her first and it will be too late but if we go now...and find her, tell her what's going on, she will be safer„ Natasha explained.

"Natasha..." His voice came out so broken, he shook his head. "You didn't see her. She was happy." Steve smiled at the thought of it. "She had no idea who I was, no clue of her past. We decided that it's best if she stays that way."

"We all knew that that choice had an expiration date and this is it Cap."

"Steve" Bruce stepped forward. "Tony is right, we've always known that it wouldn't last forever."

Steve sighed and lowered his head.

"One condition!„ he made a step forward, closer to Natasha.

"I am listening.„

"We give her the choice--„

"She doesn't have a choice!„ tony cut him of, speaking ironically. Natasha raised her hand quickly again signaling him to shut up.

"We give her the choice..„ Steven went on "and she chooses if she wants to come back or not. She says no and we protect her by ourselves. She says yes...and we give her back both her memories and powers.„

"She's a 24 year old girl with no memories of who she used to be, of course she's going to say no!„
"Then she's going to say no! It's her choice!„ Steve said over Tony's voice.

"Deal!„ said Natasha.

THE CHOICE | STEVE ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now