The raven

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    "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before„

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"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before„

- raven by Edgar Allan Poe


Natasha walked up the stairs slowly. Taking a deeper breath each time. The lights in the house were open so she knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open.

He was tall, black hair, blue eyes, she hadn't seen him for so long.
"Jonathan!„ she smiled. He would smile too but he knew that Natasha being in his doorstep was no good news, it meant that Anastasia was in danger.

He replied simply by telling her to come in and then led her to the living room where his parents were. All three of them had been assigned to protect and watch over Anastasia while she was living her 'normal' life. The car crash and England were just part of a story that SHIELD had come up with. Anastasia's real memories had been replaced by that story.

Natasha told them about the events that had happened earlier. All of them, even if they weren't Anastasia's real family, had come to love and care for her with all their hearts. They were sad for her and the life that she would have to lead now.

"Guess it's one can defy destiny„ Jonathan said, shaking his head in disbelief. He honestly thought that they had made it through, that they would live their normal lives but he was wrong.

When Natasha was about leave the house Jonathan stopped her. He gave her Anastasia's drawing notebook and pictures Natasha saw terrified her.

It was filled with drawings of the avengers and shield agents that Anastasia had meat. Of course they weren't 100% specific but it was like her mind had drawn her entire life on that notebook.


   When Steve arrived with Anastasia on the compound, Bruce and Tony rushed to help

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   When Steve arrived with Anastasia on the compound, Bruce and Tony rushed to help. They put her in a shield room and started examining her to see what happened to her.

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