Chapter 4

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The man never said a word. He fidgeted, but never got up. He looked uncomfortable, like
something was about to explode. He took a deep breath, and started digging in his bag. What was he getting? He dug around for a while, but soon found what he was looking for. Lachlan could not make out what it was that he held. He took another deep breath, and looked very shaken, though he did not say a word.

He stood up, still shaking. Lachlan was suddenly suspicious of him, so he watched him carefully. Footsteps echoed down the hallway. The man paused for a second. "Aron?" a voice called. The man stiffened. "Yes?" he asked, sounding courageous at the slightest. "What are you doing?" The man's face showed panic, but he tried to hide it. "I-I was gonna go use the bathroom. I can't w-wait until my shift's done..." He responded, his voice shakes. "Really? You know, the bathroom is the other way." The voice called back. The Aron smiled slightly, still trying to mask his panic. "Oh, y-yeah... right. Thanks." "Get some sleep tonight... okay? Newbie."

The man glanced warily in the kids direction, before going down the hallway the he had his back turned to. "What was that all about?" Vik asked. Rob shrugged. "I don't know. He's kinda strange, though. He always gets fidgety around me." "Only around you?" Lachlan asked. Rob paused to think for a quick moment. "He hasn't been around any of you yet... I don't know."

His breathing was heavy as he approached the cell once more. He pulled a pair of silver keys out of his pocket, which jingled in the silence. He returned but as quickly as he had left, Aron was back. Everyone was quiet once again, and Aron almost had his act together. All was quiet for a short while...

He etched forward, and pushed the keys into the lock. A soft click was heard as the door unlocked. Lachlan stood up. Of course, he was taking them somewhere. Rob opened his mouth to say something, but Aron was quicker. "Okay, I need you guys to follow me. Don't ask questions until I say so. Please! Got that? I'm here to help you." He opened the door, which creaked loudly, causing Aron to flinch.

But why should I trust him? Lachlan thought. Aron could have been acting his insecurities. He could be trying to help... Or he could be against him. This was Lachlan's first time seeing him. Aron could be secretly plotting against him. Who knew what would happen if they followed him? Why should he trust him?

"Lachlan!" Rob called, dragging Lachlan out of his little debate. "You coming?" Vik asked. He then realized he was the only person who hadn't left the cell. "Uh, yeah!" He was going to follow. Just in case he needed to protect his friends. He took a step forward, almost tripping once more, but the caught himself. No one laughed, but if this were any other occasion, Lachlan was sure they would have. He walked through the doorway and into the dim, stone hall. Even when the sun was high in the sky, the hallway was dark and forbidding, no matter how many torches were lined up against the walls. "If a-anyone asks, I'm taking you to another training session." Aron said quietly as they trekked down the dim corridors. He didn't say another word. They walked in silence.

They neared the hallway that lead to the training rooms and the inside-forest, and Lachlan couldn't help but glance in its direction. Instead of turning down the hallway, though, Aron had other plans. They continued straight, passing the hallway. The small group continued walking until they came to a sudden stop. "There is a passage here somewhere..." Aron mumbled, scanning the floor for something the teens weren't aware of. "A passage to where exactly?" Rob asked.

Aron turned to look at him, looking surprised. "Oh, I said that out loud... Sorry..." He started feeling along the wall. "Where does the passage lead, though?" Lachlan repeated Rob's question. "Oh, that..." he shifted his hand slightly to the left. "Will be answered... Just a second..." He pushed down on a brick in the wall that was slightly smaller than the others. Suddenly a large gap started opening in the floor. Lachlan jumped back a step.

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