Chapter 5

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"He's gonna be in so much trouble when the boss finds out! I knew he was a traitor at heart! I knew it! I'll make him regret everything he's ever-" "Jamie just shut up."

"Don't call me that."


"I will murder you!"




"OH MY GOD." Jamie yelled. "I love you, too." Jackie retorted.

    They had just found out about the escapes... and the traitor. He had left behind a red and black jacket, but that's really it. Funny, how he forgets his jacket and not a flashlight or something. You'd think a jacket would be something to remember, especially if you wanted to stay warm at night. Why would they need something like a flashlight, anyways?

   "How did he escape, anyways? I thought you were watching him, Jackie." Jackie picked up his pace, not wanting to answer the question, but he answered for the sake of his own patience. "I went to check on the other test subject, but he was gone as well." Jamie stopped in his tracks. "What?!" Jackie just kept walking. "Ehuh, yep. He escaped. I don't know where to, but he escaped." Jamie made an agitated sound before catching up to Jackie.

   "We need more guards in here." He said. "You don't say? There's really only the two of us watching them, now." Jackie agreed. They turned down a dimmer hallway, as if the place wasn't dark enough. Their footsteps echoed softly in the small space, the hallway being so small. There was a bright light at the end of the hallway, which shone right in front of a fancy looking brown door. They were so caught in the moment that they forgot to knock.

   Jackie flung the door open, causing a man in a chair to jump. He had black, messy hair, and forest green eyes. His skin was pale. He wore a tux, and looked really important, but the two men didn't seem to care. "Sir," Jackie started. Jamie elbowed him. "Ow."

   Jamie cleared his throat. "The test subjects have escaped. Even 1290. Aron, the new guy, is also missing. He took everything he had with him, except his jacket." Jamie held up the article of clothing.

   The boss sighed. "This is terrible news..." He pushed back his hair and sighed, trying to stay calm. "I'll let the higher authorities know. This might upset him, you know that?" Jackie grunted. "He'll get over it." The boss shook his head, fear now visible in his gaze. "No... He won't... not until they're found... And if they aren't..." He looked up at the two, his eyes wide. "Guess who gets it?"

"You?" Jamie asked.

"All three of us!" Jamie flinched. The man closed his eyes, and leaned back in his chair. "And who knows what he'll do..."

   The man sighed. "I'll send out two search parties. Jackson, you lead one. I'll have Hero lead the other one." Jamie looked confused. "Okay, but, what do I do?" The man put on an obviously fake smile. "You... you just... follow Jackie. Alright?" Jamie looked upset. "I'm older than him-" "That doesn't make you more mature." "But-" "Please, just follow my orders. I already have a headache."

Jackie looked at Jamie and smiled. "Ha. Ha. Ha."

"You call this maturity!?" Jamie yelled. "More than you." Jackie retorted. "Fudge you."


   "How are we supposed to find them? There's no trace of how they escaped!" Jamie exclaimed, walking up and down the hallway outside the empty cell. They searched the damn thing once, twice, maybe three times! And not a trace of the little brats. "Well, I say we look outside. If they'd escape, wouldn't they want to leave the place?" Jackie asked casually. "How did I not think of that?" "Because you suck." Jamie snorted. "Thanks."

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