Book Reviews by me (Asteri) | closed

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You can still apply, but I have no idea when I'll be done with your reviews since I'm in college, so this is officially closed.

Please, at the very least, run spell-checker on your story. I will give very honest reviews, brutal if they must be. Don't get hurt/offended/etc if I read the first chapter and give a bad review if you didn't even run spell-check. 

You have been warned. 

Comment on this chapter as soon as payment is completed.

Payment: (Pick one. Or more.)
Genuinely read my book (Bane) and leave at least one honest comment
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If you want to do something else, pm me.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go complete the payment and comment up. 😀

Due to time limits...
I will read 5 installments as a base, more if I find that isn't enough or I actually like your book. If there's less, well, of course less. If you would like me to read the whole thing, please let me know. It will obviously take longer to release the review.

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