Azimuth: New Jersey's Destiny | ++

16 1 0

Author: @DisneyChick17

Genre: Fantasy

Chapters read: 5

Rating: ++

This book was generally alright in the grammar and spelling departments.

     To the author: Do not read on if you have depression, anxiety,                        trouble with accepting critiques, etc.. It could be a trigger. I wash my hands.


There were actually quite a few issues with the writing that made it hard to follow. The tenses changed, the point of view changed in the middle of a sentence, and other similar issues.

Another issue is that the chapters are wayyyyy too long for wattpadders. You are not J.R.R Tolkien or Tolstoy, honey. If people get tired of their chapters being too long and drawn out, imagine yours. I recommend you cut the chapters in at least thirds. Try to end on a cliffhanger to make the story more active and make people want more. Not less. That's propably the worst thing you can make people want from your story; less.

Also, there is a lot of blushing and crushing on guys and overall discussion of guys and just.... no, darling, no. I've seen fanfictions with less of all that. That needs to be reduced. I don't think there are many people who want to read that. If they want that they can just go talk to their girl friends, boo. You are severely limiting your audience to people, probably females under the age of 15, who like continuously reading about how hot multiple guys are and also like long, drawn out chapters.

Here's the most serious flaw. I've read 5 big behind chapters and I seriously still have literally no idea what the plot is. Sure, glowing eyes while a guy kisses a girl. Alright. I got that. That's not a plot, though. What's the story? What's the problem? What's supposed to be going on? Why am I reading this? What is the point? If I'm just reading a story about a girl transferring to a new high school, that should be in teen fiction, not fantasy, love.

I honestly was about to give it a + rating, but I thought about it and I was like no. It's not that bad. I would give it a 1 if it was an absolute catastrophe. At the least, this story has fairly good grammar and such, even though it's kind of rough. It isn't like nd theen da ****** gurlwuz lyk totaly ****ing slo I sed **** u u *****

It wasn't lyk dat so I gave the book ++ out of 5.

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