2. JH

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Today was not the day. He had hardly been back a week and already things were falling to pieces. "Captain!" He was almost startled, very nearly but he managed to regain his composure.

"Yes?" His accent was like a sore thumb, it stood out in sea of "British" ones. Really, he never thought it fair that most of the recruits were "British". "British" was just a term now, they had an ancestry that went back to "Britain", when Britain still existed. "Dr. Jones is ready and waiting for you sir." The recruit that had informed him was young, he could see visibly nervous. A new one probably but important enough to talk to him. Cute too. He seemed like he would be great to get to know. "Thanks uh.."
"Potter, sir!" He gave a nod in acknowledgement turning away, facing the view again. The hub window was always Jack's favourite, it seemed so calm while the whole base constantly buzzed. "Thanks, Potter".

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