4. MJ

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"Martha!" She spun on her chair at the voice of Captain Jack Harkness, his face was lit up with a smile but worry was also etched in. It was a mirror for her own. "So, heard anything?" he asked, though he didn't really need to ask. Of course she had, why else would she be here.

"You know I have Jack."

"I didn't expect it to be so soon. So she really is..." he trailed off, leaving the question hanging in the air, smothering them in a thick blanket.  "Not what you'd expect. She's stable for now. But we very nearly lost her." She let it sink in, watching Jack as he nodded slightly in acknowledgement. "This can't happen again Jack. She's being too reckless!"

"Well, what can we do?! She won't be stopped, she won't listen to any of us, she's throwing herself into this, especially after..."

"I know but that doesn't mean we can sit aside and let her destroy herself!" Martha was tired, constantly back and forth between missions and the medical base and home. Though she hadn't been home in a while. And no one on the whole base was making sense. No one seemed to understand just how bad this was. She nearly died. And Martha was helpless to stop it happening if it did. The fact that she survived was a miracle. A miracle and the fact that Owen had dug up some machine that had fallen through the old rift to drag Clara back into stability. "Maybe we don't let her do solo missions for a while. Pair her up with someone.-"

"-What about-"

"Not River. She's just as reckless but she knows how to get out of it. She's less likely to be hurt seriously with all that's going on her DNA. Clara does not have that same luxury."

"Fine, what if we assign her to the kids?" Martha looked at him like he was crazy. "I mean, she has had a history of taking care of children when she was on Earth. And, well I think Tosh is not suited to it, she's a bit advanced. "

"So what? She shows them the ropes or something. You know not all of them are lined up to be like her, right? Some of them are scientists or technicians, not field agents. She's not going to be able to manage them all."

"So we pick a select few to keep her busy for a while. We'll have a distracted and safe Clara and some specially trained field agents. What is there not to like about this plan!" She couldn't help but laugh at his face, so pleased with himself. She shook her head as she finally gave in to the idea. "Fine! But we make sure it doesn't get out of hand!" She went back to her neglected tea as Jack gazed out into the stars. "Well, now that's sorted we can go and grab something to eat, have a proper catch up!"

"No way! I have to be at the med centre in ten minutes. "

"You can't be leaving already!" He gave her an incredulous look.

"Sorry, duty calls." She got up, quickly downing the rest of her tea as she moved to hug him.

"They work you too hard." She chuckled at his comment. Didn't she know it!

"That's what it's like when you're the one in charge of medical affairs on a ship that has more injured people than good biscuits." She said as she walked off away from Jack.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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