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"Give that back!" She lunged to grab the papers fluttering in Clyde's hand. "I swear Clyde Langer if anything happens to those I will throw you out the airlock!" She stomped, her hands on her hips as his eyes skimmed the words on the pages. "Ooo. Very good. Rather long isn't it?" He handed them back, a grin splashed across his face. Rani rolled her eyes, really emphasising the exasperation, "It has to be for 15 minutes and then I can get the badge. And then I'll be your superior and so no more of this Mr. Langer!" Clyde opened his mouth in protest when a voice came from behind them.

"Oo I think you hurt poor Clyde's pride there Rani!"A figure emerged from around the wall, a bag slung over his shoulder, his brown hair mussed up from travel.

"Luke!" She strode over pulling him into a tight embrace, Clyde quickly following suit. "When did you get back?"
"Literally just now. Mum wanted me back for the big meeting but I'm a bit early. Planning to surprise her." Clyde draped an arm over him as they walked to the bay window. "So Lukey boy. How's uni?"

"Oh you know. Same old." Rani landed a light punch to his arm as she chuckled
"Sure it is. There you are living the student life, having loads of fun and we're here grovelling under meetings!"

"Honestly I'd rather be here, I miss you guys. And mum. And Sky. And Uni's just not home."

"Awh. Still. Anything has to be better than Professor Sato's assignments. Honestly, I don't know how she manages to come up with half the things she gives us."

"Her assignments weren't even that bad!" Luke laughed at the matching incredulous faces on Clyde and Rani.

"So what was were you two talking about. Are you getting the Level 2 badge Rani?" He turned to face her as she flashed a confident smile, "Yep! And I'm getting it today!" She glanced at her watch "In fact I've got to go! My meeting is in five minutes!" She snatched her notes of Clyde as she rushed away from the boys, heading towards the same blue tinted wall that Luke emerged from behind. "Wish me Luck!" She called back as she turned the corner and disappeared into the hustle of the ship.

Children Of Time (Working Title)Where stories live. Discover now