epilogue pt.1

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harry rushes into louis'room, while tears stream down his numb face. as he shuts the door close, a deep sob slips out his mouth and he feels like fainting.

to not trip over his own feet he sits down at louis'desk and burries his head in his hands.

he cant believe that louis tried to killed himself last night.

he cant believe his little brother pretended to be ok and lied to harry whenever he asked the younger one how he was feeling.

of course harry noticed that louis' smile hasnt been as bright as usual but to be honest he thought it would go over.

he trusted louis.

and now hes in the hospital because he has overdosed with sleeping pills.

his stomach has to get pumped out and just at the thought of it, harry gets sick.

after he has calmed down a bit, he opens a drawyer because their mum asked him to bring louis some personal stuff - and randomly harry knows where louis hides his diary.

and then he finds the post its. first he doesnt want to take a look at them but as he notices to whom they are adressed, he gets curious.

and after finishing each of them, he puts out a paper to write a proper answer for louis he can  read later so he knows how much hes actually worth.

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