Ice-Ice Baby

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HI hi hi hi hi I'm back back back with more chapters for this New Year. So here is a little change with the whole Iceland trip the twins go with Mitch, but Avi stays home since pregnant. Annabelle goes on ahead with Kevin. And before you ask yes I changed Mitch's snapchat name to Witchy Mitchy and Scott so you might see those pictures up as well from snapchat.

"What's up what's up you may be asking why are we getting ready to leave in Avi's house." Mitch said.

"Well that is because the Grassi-Hoying family is going on a New Years Trip to Iceland." Avi said. 

"Yeah and we wanted to answer question before leaving for out trip because then we will be Iceland bound baby." Mitch said.

"I'm kinda said because I can't go anywhere at this point because I was invited to go with Kevin and family for a cruise, but moving from country to country is probably not at all a good idea." Avi said.

"I feel really bad leaving you baby, maybe I should just stay." Kevin said.

"No, I told you already that I will be fine and plus Anna is so excited to be going too." Avi said.

"We will check in with him every few hours and Esther will be here." Mitch said. 

"Well if you guys say so." Kevin said.

"We do so, ON TO THE QUESTIONS." Avi said.

"First question from dailyscomiche 'How are both of you doing?'" Mitch said.

"I am getting there....I'm still with the morning sickness, tired all the time, ready to just sleep stage." Avi said.

"I am excited and happy. We have been planning this trips for weeks." Mitch said.

"Second question from AvinBaby2k17 'Mitch, are you and Scott planning on having anymore kids?'" Avi asked.

"Umm yeah I mean if we have a kid praise, but I mean we aren't in a rush either." Mitch said.

"Yeah I say live your life, you have two kids already that are turning what four in five months." Avi said. 

"Yeah my babies are getting big, but I guess another baby wouldn't be all to bad." Mitch said.

That's up to you Mitchy." Avi said.

"Next question from Junnibee asks 'How has Kirstie been doing?'" Mitch asks.

"Mama K has been doing great, she's been with Jeremy getting ready for baby #1 and she is ecstatic making a Disney themed baby room in their new house." Avi said. 

"Yeah I hope they have a boy first to be honest, I feel like Kirstie should get that boy first." Mitch said.

"I hope I have a boy too, or another girl, I am not picky, just no offense." Avi said.

"None taken, I understand." Mitch said.

"Last question from PentaBabies 'Have you everr thought of bringing the kids on stage.'" Avi said.

"We have done this I believe twice, once was unexpected since the kids ran on stage, the other was planned." Mitch said.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind them coming back on stage or something." Avi said.

"That's it guys, now me and Scotty can go to Iceland." Mitch said.

"Where is Scotty right now you may be asking, he is going to get the kids and their heavy coats because it is going to be freezing." Mitch added. 

"Yeah and then comes this what 10 hour flight to Iceland." Avi said.


"Mama!!!" the twins run in to Mitch.

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