Ice-Ice Baby Part 2

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HALLELUJAH girl comes back from the dead and I am excited. Here is part 2 my loves. I've missed you all. Just going to say I will not be doing the whole trip this is the part I wanted you guys to know and I will move on. This will be short.


"AND WE ARE HERRREEE!!!" Mitch says holding Bailey with Snapchat on.

"HIIIII!" Bailey waved.

"Good job babe!" Mitch said kissing Bailey's cheek.

"ICELAAAAANNNNNDDDDDD!" Scott and Bradley scream on his Snapchat.

"Alright let's go to the hotel and we can go on ahead and get these two to bed pronto." Mitch said. 

They check into the hotel and they get the babies in bed.

"My sweet kids are going to be four in a few months I miss you guys when you guys were smaller." Mitch said. 

"Yeah...true....hey what do you think about having another baby?" Scott asked.

"Scotty I don't know, I mean I know everyone wants us to have another baby and they are all for it with support, but..." Mitch said.

"I know, it's a lot and it's your body love I wouldn't push you into something that you don't feel like you should do." Scott said holding Mitch.

"Yeah thank you love, you keep me here, you are my rock, I am so glad to have married you." Mitch said.

"Forever and ever babe." Scott said kissing his forehead.

"MMM we should go to the warm water springs later on, but first Mommy needs to touch up before bed." Mitch said.

Mitch leaves and Scott looks out on the balcony.

*In the bathroom*

"Mmm blerg" Mitch throws up.

"Ugh I swear before all that is Mighty, if you love me, you will stop torturing me you little bugger." Mitch said pulling up his shirt.

"Mmm I guess having another baby wouldn't be bad...I guess that doesn't matter now, ugh I am so stressed I really am excited, but nerves." he started silently. "It's not that I don't love you Baby C I just everyone has been on the baby fever case and asking like crazy, but I know it's out of love and then we still have this stuff to do, three people being pregnant in Pentatonix is going to be a handful and I just need a moment or two." he said slightly crying.

"Baby, come look, the Northern Lights!" Scott said excitedly knocking on the door. 

"Coming Scotty, I am just putting on my pajamas." Mitch said.

"Ok babe." Scott said going back to the balcony.

Mitch takes a huge breath and puts on his pajamas and robe. He goes out the bathroom to the balcony where Scott is looking at the Northern Lights. 

"Baby this is just so beautiful." Scott said.

"Yeah honey it really is." Mitch said leaning into Scott.

"Not as beautiful as you, but now vacation time we can finally relax a bit." Scott said.

"Yeah...relax." Mitch said thinking hard.

"Yep thinking really, really hard." Mitch thought.

Yeah it is really short this time, but I mean it isn't horrible...I hope. Well you guys know the drill! Comment, ask a question, and leave a scenario or something.

Until The Next Time~ Mindly_Insane

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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