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Mo's POV

I woke up to a beautiful smell of food. I dont know what happened at all last night. All i remember was drinking before i went to the club last night and....then bringing...DJ HOME. What did we do!!! No no no no no i blew my shot with her. She finna freak out.

I got dressed in the clothes I came in. When i walked out Dj was sitting at her table with two plates looking down so she didnt see me. Or so i thought because when i tried sneaking by all i hear is a low "sit down and eat" and you know my ass did exactly that.

The only thing i didnt do was eat. My ass wasnt dying today, she might've poisoned it. But then i noticed she didnt eat either.

"Why didnt you...eat your food?" i was nervous as hell and my hands was like a fucking water park.

"I was waiting for you"

"Thanks...ummm do you remember what we did last night?" i honestly didnt wanna hear the answer but i dont want her mad. I dont know a damn thing about this girl and im worried about her feelings. Im pussy whipped but i didnt even get none!

"Yeah..." she looked up and i got extremely nervous. "About that we cant do that again. Im not really for the stud for stud thing and we just met. Im sorry " she looked down after saying that.

"Its alright i get it" i chuckled to reassure her that it meant nothing.

"You know, I think your really cool peoples but i know nothing about you and i feel like we was forced into each other so can we really start over?"

She just looked at me for a very long time. Then smile.


I smiled.

"Okay so I am Maria Rodriguez but you can call me Mo." i then stuck out my hand.

"And i am Daija Johnson but you can call me Dj"


Me and Mo decided to start over and just be friends. We been hanging out for a while and just chilling. Even though we just friends she seems so distant. I don't know what it is but I just know.

Right now we looking at my old drawings in my notebook from when I was in high school.

"What is this one" Mo asked pointing at one I drew of my mother.

"That's my mom. I drew that the year she died" I stared at the picture of a women trying to pick up after her mistakes.

"Tell me about her"

I looked at Mo.

"What do u wanna know about her."

"Was she nice?"

I looked up from the picture at Mo. "She was nicest and cooked a mean breakfast every single damn day" i said smiling. "How about yours.

When I said that Mo seemed to have frozen. It was as if she had went into an automatic trance.

"Mo? You alright?" she looked at me as she came back to reality.

Mo got up. "I have to go" she said dryly.

"We don't have to talk about her. I'm sorry" i said trying to get her to stay.

"I have to go D"

I let her go and she left. What happened between her and her mom? I didn't know it was that bad or even bad at all.

She said she had a good enough child hood. She told me about her siblings and family parties and fun memories.

That is when i noticed that we didn't talk about her specifically. We talked about her surroundings and everyone in it but never her.

I put the note book away and watched TV. Its 9 now so i might as well go to sleep for work tomorrow.

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