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Dj's POV

How the hell does this work? I mean I have been in relationships. Plenty if you count ones that last a couple weeks. I just don't 'get what Maria wants. One minute she's all under me and the next she is mad at me. 

I not good with relationships at all so how does she expect me to be okay with dating a stud. I don't have any problem with it but it's something I have to get used to. Every single time we go out there is always someone not even someone, EVERYONE, looks at us like we have boogers running down our faces.

I love the hell out this girl but it just bothers me when people always have a look of judgement without even knowing us. I don't wanna take it out on her but I just need to think...

Mo's POV (3 days later)

For these past 3 days I've been looking at my phone non-stop praying and wishing that Dj would just text me and repeatedly telling myself that the other day wasn't my fault. 

I been stressing and really wanna talk to Dj but at the same time I want her to know that i'm serious. I want her to know that i'm not chasing or begging but then I do wanna just go down on her cause the thought of her just make me weak. 

Feeling the wind breeze between the strands of my hair as I slam my head into my pillow, I began reminiscing. 

Thinking about everything we've done and all the good times we've had in the short amount of time we've known each other. The times we've laughed, stared at each other, and made one another blush. 

I got up and put on my slides on while grabbing my keys and running to my car and drove to Dj's house. When I got there, I walked up to her door and began questioning myself. 

What if she don't even wanna talk to me? She hasn't talked to me in 3 days. Does she even wanna see me? What if she moved on? Did she even want me from the jump? Does she feel like I do?

As the doubt became stronger than my no longer existing confidence, I began to turn away from the door.

Just as I was about to walk away I heard my name.


I turned around looking at the ground. 


I then looked at her as she stared at me.

"sorry I just...I don't know...i'll leave."



All I wanted was to get her back and see her but didn't know how. Now that I got her, i'm not messing up and letting her go again. 


Sorry for not updating. I thought I started this story off wrong and thought it was only going down hill but imma finish it or y'all.

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