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         Before the woman was able to process everything that happened within these past ten to fifteen minutes, a man with large, dark hands went underneath her arms and lifted her upon the girls' feet. The girl turned around immediately, holding her hands balled in a face and in a 'squaring up position', ready to throw her hands once more. He backed away whilst holding his hands up in innocence. She noticed the boy was wearing a mildly stained apron. 'I wonder if he's a cook?' She thought to herself.

         She raised her dark brow at everyone, spinning in circles; she tried to evaluate what everyone looked like and their probable age. She scanned the boys surrounding her, noticing one with the same dark hair as her own. His slim arms crossed over his chest. The boys blue sleeves and 'arm fanny-pack's rubbed as he shifted his weight upon another leg.

         Her eyes flicked around once more, seeing a slimmer boy with a large- she thinks either a hoe or a rake- on his back. His shaggy sand-blonde hair swayed to the left of his face, but his right. And he seemed to have a limp when he walked over to the group. Hm.

         The chubbier boy from earlier came back with a skip in his step. He grabbed her arm, which she decided to go with. He was a small kid. He wouldn't be able to harm her like the other guys would be able too.

         He took her away from the group, trying to make her feel a little less intimidated. Whilst they were walking, Octavia could hear them yelling stuff like "Green bean", and "Greenie".

         "Sorry about those guys- they like to intimidate Greenies." The boy spoke with a large smile beside her, looking up at her whilst his curly hair bounced with every step he took, "I'm Chuck. The guys call me Chuckles, because I laugh a lot." The boy snorted.

         "Why can everyone remember their names and I can't remember mine?" She finally spoke, sounding irritated with everyone and everything, "Additionally; where am I? What is this place? Why am I here? Why-", She started going on a ring over questions though Chuck interrupted her.

         "Hey- Hey!" Chucked attempted to calm her, "We were all like that when they first get in here. Thomas was as confused as you are right now. But he went into the sand-pit and hit his head- thanks to Gally- and regained the memory of his name." The boy snorted in amusement.

         "So- do I get in a fight with this 'Gally' or something?" She tilted her head; kind of thinking it was probably the only thing to regain her memory.

         "No particularly Gally- but sure if you want." Chuck giggled, then dragged the woman under a tree where the girl with black hair- whom she had noticed earlier- was sitting.

  Her head turned once she heard Chuck and the womans footsteps, but immediately turned back and stared at the grass in silence.

         Once they all got settled underneath the tree, Chuck spoke up from the drastic silence. "They're making bets on which keeper you're going to get." Chuck turned his head towards The Greenie; "Alby will explain the whole 'Maze' thing once you get the tour tomorrow."

         The woman stayed silent. She was trying to put the puzzle together herself. Was she in a cage? Was she trapped in there for reproductive purposes? Is that why There's only two girls now, and such a young boy? Were the other girls killed off so that's why they sent more? Her thoughts took over her mind whilst she stood up, "Hey, um, Chuck? Would you be able to take me around to meet people?"

         "I mean- if you want to meet many people at a time, just go back to the group. They're still trying to figure out why you're here." Chuck added in, and made himself comfortable in the woman's former seat. "You want me to come with you?"

         "No, I'll be fine." She reassured herself while she walked towards the large group of people, her sweaty palm rubbing upon her elbow and forearm in nervousness. Her worn out shoes dragged across the earth as she did so.

         Their heads spun around, if they turned around any quicker, their necks would have snapped or something.

"Aye-! It's the Green Bean again!" She heard a British accent pop up from the crowd. She saw the boy with sandy blonde hair again. She couldn't tell whether she was just reacting because of the accent because of hormones, or whether he actually made it feel like her knees were to buckle.

         "Newt, let her come and say hello," another dark man spoke up, giving the boy Newt a pat on the back.

         "She already gave me enough of a hello." The Korean boy spoke up once more, sticking his hand out to her. "The name's Minho, nice to meet you." He smiled a large grin, which made him look like he was squinting.

         Then more people started to come in, patting her back to try and make her feel at home. She heard so many names all at once.

"The name's Thomas."





         What kind of a name is Frypan? So he is a cook! Ha! She cheered to herself. Maybe it wont be so bad after all, right?  But she was still determined to find out where she was, and that worried her.

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