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A strong scent of honey and cow manure had woken the female. Almost everyone was gone— or that's what she saw with foggy eyes.

Octavia wiped her eyes while forcing herself to sit up. Nobody was on their hammocks or mats. The girl stood on her tired legs and looked around. Her brow raised when she noticed everyone towards the large moving wall.

"No no no," she murmured. Octavia started to sprint from her hammock and into the long grassed fields.
          "Stop! Stop!" She screamed so loud that her voice cracked. She saw the boys surrounded Ben with the sharp sticks, which made her anger boil even more. They seemed to have no remorse, in which that made her adrenaline start exploding in her body.

"It's not his fault! It's not his fault!" She continued to shriek. Newt had to tackle her to keep her from attacking other gladers.

"Oct- Octavia!" Newt screamed at her to keep her from lashing out at him, "He will kill us if we don't do this!!" His words only made her sob harder.

    She didn't understand. Why it had to be done, what was going to happen to Ben. She felt childish, throwing a tantrum because things aren't going her way. Which only made her cry harder.

    Octavia lifted her grey iris' to see Gally speaking, but she couldn't hear anything. 'Take her away for now,' he mouthed.

    Newt had thrown her over his shoulder, limping off with her quietly crying on his shoulder. She made the mistake of looking up then. How? Her eyes met with Ben's blue as he was being pushed out. He may have attacked her, but she knew it wasn't him.

     Octavia.. Octavia!

The whispers murmured to her while she was carried. They caused her to shift. They seemed like silhouettes, which made her even more uncomfortable.

      It seems to her as if she blacked out. Octavia found herself at a table with food in front of her. The rest of the boys were eating and/or goofing off, playing with their food.

    She wiped her nose with her sleeve. Her eyes were puffy from crying. She was alone at the table, is what she noticed. The other boys were whispering, if they were looking at her anyways.

      A strip of bacon placed in front of her on a dark, wooden plate. Some mashed potatoes, or mashed hash browns and a cup of water was placed as her breakfast. She didn't have an appetite, though she didn't want to seem mean nor was it permitted to waste food in the glade.

       She picked up the greasy piece of meat, putting the tip of it between her teeth. She was too nauseous to eat, so she managed to only gag whilst she swallowed the nip of bacon.

     Octavia grit her teeth, whilst the bacon slithered down her sore throat. Pain and sadness clouded her grey Iris'.

Newt sighed. He felt guilt overcome his body. Deciding to try and cheer her up, after all he had been in her position.

"Rough few days, huh?" The shaggy-haired boy tilted his head at the black haired female.

"More than that.. what's the point? You know? We are trapped, we will never figure out the maze, I don't fit into any rank- not even the sloppers, and I—" Newt interrupted her.

     "Octavia- hey, you don't have to pour your feelings out now. Eat your breakfast, you've had a rough morning. I'll take you around the glade and you can talk to me, okay?" He gripped her shoulder, then headed off to Alby, Chuck, and a few others.

   Flashes of blue light, and people hung over her.

Octavia blinked, trying to make it go away. But it kept returning.

       "She's the last one left," said an old woman as they placed her near limp body in the large tube.

Stop it.

     The tube started to fill with water.


  Octavia couldn't breathe. She screamed as the tube filled with water, but it felt normals to her for some reason, her memories slowly shrinking away.

     No no, stop it! Octavia splashed herself with her water. It just wouldn't stop. She found herself sprinting across the meadow; no recollection of leaving the dining hall; the memories keeping on running through her mind .

     Small Octavia. Small hands. She was only seven. Her short, bobbed black hair bounced when she ran to an old woman with blue eyes. "She wasn't allowed with the other children", said the woman. "She's not like them. She barely has any true DNA."

   Octavia looked up when the memories went away. She saw the girl known as Teresa standing above her. "Are you okay?" She tilted her head.

   "No.." her voice cracked. She felt everything go numb. She heard voices,

    "She knows too much, kill her."

    Octavia couldn't control her body. Her legs moved without her command, as did her arms. She was being carried towards the ivy-filled walls. Teresa sprinted after, trying to stop her. But she couldn't. Teresa decided to back away and sprint towards the kitchen and homestead, "guys! It's Octavia!" She cried towards them.

    Ten to fifteen gladers dropped whatever they were doing and started trudging  through the grass filled fields. Minho's eyes traveled upwards to the wall, seeing Octavia had started to crawl upon it.

    Before everyone had been able to reach the wall, it seemed as Gally was already there. He came at her full force, and pushed her. Knocking her away from the walls. She landed on the dirt, dust blowing into the air.

    "The shuck were you thinking kid?!" He started to lecture and yell at her.

      "I couldn't control my body! I couldn't control- I couldn't-!" She fret for everything.

    Thomas sprinted forward and slid on his knees, trying to help her up. Her frail body swiping up into his arms, while he carried her to the Med-Jacks.

     Newt gulped furiously, his memories flooding back as well. "Did you have to push her that hard, Gal?"

    Gally turned a cold stare at Newt, "I did. We don't need another you, Newt. We can't have it right now."
Gally trudged off into the distance. He didn't have to say that, but so much anger boiled up. He cared about the kid, and it pissed him off when she did that— even if it wasn't her fault.

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