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At first, she had found herself in a situation where she had felt threatened. Now, she had gotten used to having them around. Meanwhile, Octavia was sitting around on one of the shacks, leaning over the railing and staring at the ground.

Boredom struck her like a truck, so in the meantime she had let the gentle, warm breeze hit her frame. Her black hair was brushed past her shoulders, leaving small strands to blow past her face while she stood.

Meanwhile, she saw a tall, dark man approach the bottom of the shack she was upon the roof of. He tilted his head back and let a yell erupt from his trachea.

"Hey Green-Bean!" He cupped his hands around his mouth to expand the travel of his voice, "You're going on your tour!"

     She groaned. Second day here and she's already getting yelled at. She sludged towards the ladder. She didn't crawl down, no no, she awkwardly slid down on her belly, not wanting to be so quick into this tour she was told about.

    While sliding down, she was startled by a scream coming from one of the buildings next to her. Which caused her frame to fall off the ladder and land on her back, in the dust.

      "The hell was that?!" She lifted her head with a grunt, her back stinging from the fall. The man, whom went by the name of Alby, helped her up.

    "Don't mind that. He's been like that for a few days." The man shrugged and let the woman lean on him, hence she was sore, "Ben has been like that for a few days. 'They' got to him."

    "Who's 'they'?" She cocked her head at Alby with curiosity.

      "The people whom put us here", Alby replied solemnly, "But, we're unsure who put us here." He said additionally before leading her on.

"H-how old am I?" The thought in her head managed to escape her mouth.

"You've got to be at least sixteen, kid." Alby replied. "Or seventeen. Somewhere between there." He then continued to lead her around. "We are heading to the Builders first, see how good you are at carpentry."

She hated carpentry. Her fingers bruised from how many times she hit her fingers with the hammer, and got more splinters than she could count.

"We can show you what it's like to be a Slopper if you'd like. You just run errands for us." Alby spoke up. Octavia decided it would be best before she received an official rank.

She was sent out in the woods with a bucket to get some berries for Frypan, whom was trying to make some sort of fruit mash.

Her face heated up, she didn't like being alone. She should have called Chuck or Alby to accompany her.

She bent down near a bush and started placing the small, red and blue berries into the basket. Her ears caught the sound of heavy breathing. It worried her at first, until she looked up and saw a man leaning over her.

    Blood dropped from his mouth, and sweat soaked like a sponge in his blonde hair. Black flooded in the veins in his neck.

      Her grey eyes shimmered with fear as he continued to approach her. It took her a minute or so to process that he looked dangerous.

   The woman finally dropped her basket and started to run, in which he ran extremely fast after her. He was riding her tail as she jumped over roots. Ironically, or un-ironically, her foot snatched onto a root which made her body slam onto the leaf covered ground.

    The boy crawled on top of her and attempted to choke her. It was when her vision got pixelated, like when someone sits up too quickly and they can't see for a minute or two, she recognized Ben, whom Alby was talking about earlier.

    "Ben!" She croaked, trying to get him to snap out of it, but she figured it was no use. She spread her arms out, spreading her fingers to grab a small sharp splinter of rock.

    The girl placed the rock between her fingers whilst she was still conscious, and weakly threw her fist at Ben. The rock cut into his cheek which caused him to jump off.

   Gasping for air, the girl weakly crawled up. She started running towards the fields, and eventually into the fields.

     "Help!" She managed to scream, which felt like something was tearing her throat. But Ben was right behind her.

      Ben jumped onto her back and clawed at her face, which caused her to scream more. Everything happened so fast for her.

     She saw a gardening tool smack the blonde boy upside the head, causing him to fly off her.

  The woman felt a pounding in her head. She saw people looking over her. Bright lights in her eyes. Some had lab coats, some had goggles.

   'Octavia..' they would whisper, 'Octavia!'

  Octavia's world was then clouded in darkness, and darkness overtook it.



      She woke up coughing. Her throat burned like an ember in a fire. The aftermath of a fire.

  She looked over with pixelated vision, seeing a scrawny blonde man stand up, his arms crossing in concern. And the man whom had pulled her out of the cage-box she came up in.

Her vision cleared, and her sight seemed to be sensitive. Suddenly, her head throbbed. She smacked her palm in the middle of her forehead.

"You got a concussion," the man with the high-rise eyebrows spoke. He had sat next to her, moving her hair out of her face hence the sweat was making it stick to her face.

"You Idjits," the girl grumbled, "you don't let a person with a concussion sleep. If it was fatal, I could have died!" She scolded the men.

"Alright alright! Sorry we aren't Med-Jacks," The blonde whom goes by Newt crossed his arms.

"Oh- sorry about that. The name's Gally, by the way." He pat her back and stood by Newt once more.

She blinked woozily. The girl leaned over with her palms on her forehead, "Octavia." She mumbled inaudibly.

"I'm sorry?" Newt's British accent pierced the air.

"My name- it's Octavia." She spoke with dramatic affect in her voice.

The room suddenly went quiet.

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