0.1 And The Term Begins

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Hello my lovelies!
Before you read the book i would appreciate you read this quick disclaimer.

Firstly I would like to say that this is my first book and I'm doing this for fun and for a hobby. So sorry for mistakes and such. I will also take your opinions and criticism into consideration although hate will not be tolerated whether that's towards myself or my characters or anyone who may comment. #respect #nohate
Secondly I'd like to say that I would appreciate if you guys showed some love by voting and commenting.
And of course please don't copy my writing. Thank you
Now enough of me! Enjoy "Hale"
~Amelia x

Chapter one,

"Hale!", "Hale wake up NOW"

6:30am on Monday 6th September

Today is the beginning of Term

I'm finally in year 10

By the time I was in year 8 I finally gave up on myself and wanted nothing more but for my school years to be over, but now that I'm almost done I regret wanting to grow up so quickly but These early mornings are something I definitely won't miss.

I roll over on my bed and check my iPhone which is on the floor for some reason.


Time flies when you're having fun right? Or sleeping..?
I stumble off my bed feeling drowsy and downbeat
I am not looking forward to this day at all.

The first day back is where everyone judges your new bag and shoes and those who never spoke to you in the summer holidays come and act is if they missed you.

I hate fake people.

This year is a year to focus on my education, I already wasted too much time on stupid phases I went though as a teen.

I go into my bathroom and do my daily hygiene when I get a call on my phone. I miss the call purposely as it's sort of difficult to talk with toothpaste on your mouth.

I hop in the shower and I instantly feel more awake and my mood is brightened, I'm not extremely happy but I can get though the day.
I put on my new school uniform and my shoes and lightly fill in my eyebrows and do my hair.
I realise that I haven't checked my phone so I bring it with me and go to get some breakfast.

When I checked my phone the number says UNKNOWN.
I rarely get unknown calls but when I do I usually ignore them, doesn't everyone?

I check my social media and find myself dazing at the unknown number, I'm not going to answer it, it could be some scam for all I know...
I hear one of my dad's footsteps coming from down the stairs.

"Hale are you ready now?" Fabian calls after me

"Yeah dad" I reply
We reach outside school and I stare at the big prison.

"I don't want this dad" I said

I don't.

School is horrible and it should be a choice, in my opinion it is just an excuse to fill a building with haters and add a few people like me for them to hate on.

"Honey what's wrong?" My dad said, He turns to look at His husband Gary (My other dad) and then back at me in the backseat.

I can't tell them, it would break their hearts.

I think of something funny to say

I guess I'm just not a funny person because I can't think of anything.

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