1.2 Nature Is Calling Part Two

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Chapter 12
Disclaimer this chapter may get a little heated!

It's around 7:22pm and it's pretty dark in the countryside of England.

We are now all sat in Blake's big tent talking and eating some of everyone's snacks, I am wrapped in a tracksuit bottom and T-shirt, Derek was kind enough to let me wear his hoodie because cold and wet is not a good mix.

When i had times like this with the guys I felt so happy and comfortable and safe. I was so humble with them and I got to know them all a lot better.

I must say that I genuinely love them all but my closest friends would be Derek and Oscar. They always look out for me and we can joke around all the time, I wanted this to last. I wanted no more 'unknown' just to be with my boys.

I drank some hot chocolate with whipped cream which George gladly provided, the chocolate was Swiss and incredibly rich, I close my eyes and indulge all the flavour.

I hear Terry lightly laugh at my little moment and I roll my eyes.

I begin to wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't recently spent all my time with the boys, I don't know how Gary and Fabian would feel about me being friends with a bunch of boys, I mean they're gay so it would really be interesting what they thought about it.

I start feeling a little tired, the hot chocolate was helping me drowse off.

"Tired?" Derek whispers

I just nod my head and carry on drinking my hot chocolate.

I didn't want to leave this tent with all the guys yet, it was so fun laughing with them and just being around them in general.

It's only about 9:10pm and I was tired, it slightly angered me because I can usually stay up later, these days I have been restless, nothing but nonsense on my mind and it terrified me so much that I couldn't sleep.

Now I was remembering it all, and my main aim of this trip was to forget.

"Guys I'm gonna take a kip" I announce

"Goodnight Pocket rocket" Oscar says and the rest say goodnight too

I go into the log cabin and take out my toothpaste and toothbrush and brush my teeth then go back outside into the chippy cold to go into mine and Derek's tent.

I pull out my sleeping bag and my blanket and blow up my pillow, stuff myself inside like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

Outside I can hear the chirps of birds and the sound of trees and cockroaches, it was so calming.

Without thinking I check my phone for no reason, it's blank.

I smiled to myself, relief floods my body. I roll back down and go to sleep


11:23pm (to-midnight)

"What do you want from me!" I scream as loud as I can and run away from unknown, my breathing picked up and I felt like I was going to faint.

"Please don't do this dad" I plead, I search around for an escape or weapon but the chances were bleak.

He is going to kill me.

He stands over my worthless body and I start to scream and kick at him.

"Snap out of it!" I hear him say

He repeats it and I scream louder, tears and sweat cover my face.

Then he shakes me, staring deeply into my eyes.

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