The Letter

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(The red horse is Jojo and Cris and the black horse is Max and Daylee

Dayleegrace and Cris where riding horses through the sand hill pasture at this very moment and talking about anything and everything. The the untrained eye they look like sisters, but little unknown fact they met in secondary school. The evil old teacher Mrs. Jackson placed them next to one another unknowingly making a huge mistake.


"Criselda Baca, here please." The old woman croaked out. Cris went and sat next to a brown haired, brown eyed boy by the name of Dan and began sketching some random doodle.

"Dayleegrace Bowman, here please." The teacher spoke, pointing to the seat next to some random guy she called Phil.

"Actually miss, I can't sit with my back facing the door, I need to see everyone and the exit if you don't mind?" The girl smoothly said, rising and taking a seat next to Cris.

Class flew by for the girls as they where talking and sketching in their notebooks the whole class. The teacher said all seats are final and no re-arrangements for anyone before the class left.

"You two, Criselda and Dayleegrace, your seats will be changed tomorrow." The teacher bellowed out the door.

"Actually miss, you said all seats are final, no arrangements to be made." Dayleegrace said when she popped he head back around the corner.

End of Flashback

"Cris, what's gonna happen when we go to Hogwarts the first time? Do you think Dan and Phil will be there also?" Dayleegrace asked, they had truly become quite close to the boys through school.

"I think so, Phil is a halfblood and I think Dan is a Pureblood. Why do you ask Daylee" Cris responded, for she is the only one who can shorten her name.

"I don't know, just curious I guess." Daylee responded, not so smoothly hiding her crush for the blue eyed ebony haired Phil.

All of the sudden the horse cris was riding, Jojo tripped. Making Cris tense up for e few seconds and wake up slightly for they where just relaxing and enjoying the sun daydreaming.

"Damnit! Stand up silly" Cris said, grabbing the reins.

Daylee on the other hand decided it was time to race before the way home so she kicked her horse Max into a run.

Le Time Skip Brought To You By A Tripping Jojo

Once the girls got home they unsaddled and fed before turning out the horses they went inside and checked the owl for any letters. They each had one for their own and each had a wax stamp on them with the Hogwarts emblem on them...

Haha I did it CrisIsNotOnFire I updated just for you😂😂😂even left you a cliff hanger

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