Cheer Rivalry

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A/N I debated splitting this chapter up into to parts because it was really long; but I decided against it because the two chapters were better as one. Hope you enjoy. Comment. Vote. Share. ^_^

Cheer Rivalry

After a long day of school, I just wanted to go home; but I had to stay for cheer practice.  Not only because I wanted a chance to hang out with Ashton after practice, but also because I wasn't going to let Mindy win.  I walked into the locker rooms, changed into a pair of Sophie Cheerleading shorts, a Magnolia High Cheerleading shirt, and a pair of white sneakers; and then walked out to the football field for practice.  "Alright everyone", I hear as I enter the field, "Today you all will be scored on your tumbling skills".  As captain, Mindy is leading the practice.  "Remember if you don't score high enough you will NOT be able to perform at the next game", she adds with her usual devil smile.  She looks at me before continuing, "So, who would like to go first?"  There are no volunteers.  "No volunteers?  Well then, I'll just have to pick someone", she glances at a clipboard with who knows what on it, "Rivers.  Catherine Rivers".

I walk up to the front of the group, look directly at Mindy and confidently say, "Bring it".

"Well this should be interesting", Mindy says as she rolls her eyes.  "Front Handspring, Round-Off, Back Handspring, Cartwheel, Round-Off, Front Handspring, Cartwheel, Back Handspring, Front Handspring, and a Back Tuck".

"That's all you got", I question with a slight grin.  I walk for a few seconds looking for a good place to start.  Finally, I find it and I perform all of Mindy's requests perfectly.

Mindy realizes everything was perfect and knows there is nothing she can do, "Good.  Who's next?"  For the remainder of practice I sit there thinking; while all the other girls complete Mindy's tumbling requests.  "Alright that's it.  Everyone has gone and all of you have passed.  Remember there is a Home Game on Friday, which means we'll all stay after school and practice.  Then, after we practice, we're having dinner with the football team as usual.  Dismissed", Mindy yells.

I walk over to the side of the field and take a seat on the bleachers.  The football team is nowhere to be found, and neither is Ashton.  I let out a sigh, "I guess he forgot about me", I quietly say aloud.  I get up from the bleachers and begin to start my walk home when a set of tan arms wrap around me.

"Forget about you?  I don't think I could.  Anyway, are you ready to go?"

I nod, "Ready when you are".  Ashton keeps me in his arms for a little longer and kisses me on the cheek before letting me go.  He takes my hand and leads me to his car.

Riding down the road Ashton turns the radio down, "So, I heard about what happened with Mindy today".

"Oh.  Sorry about that.  It just bothered me that she was trying to tell me what I can and can't do".

"That's just how Mindy is.  She likes to be in control of everything".

I slightly nod, "I know.  Is she as bad at home?  I mean she's your step-sister right?"

Ashton takes a deep breath in, "Sadly, yes she is my stepsister.  Her mom is great, I've never seen my dad happier; but Mindy is a different story.  She's slowly taking my friends away and I swear she's plotting to ruin my life".

I put my hand over his, "I don't think she's that evil.  I could be wrong, but I don't see why she would want to ruin your life".

"You just don't know.  Enough of her though, how was your day"?

I see why he wants to change the subject, Mindy is awful.  I couldn't even imagine having to deal with her all the time.  "My day has been pretty good; surprisingly enough.  What about you?"

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