Some Things Never Change

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Some Things Never Change

I wake up on the couch alone, with a sticky note on my forehead.  I take the note off my forehead and sit up to read it; 'Good morning beautiful, hope you slept well.  Thank you for an amazing night.  Sorry I had to leave without saying good-bye, but I had to shower and get ready for school I'll be back to pick you up though. –Ashton'.  I shake my head and smile.  Suddenly my phone starts to ring; I look at it curiously.  "Hello", I quietly say.

"Is this Catherine Rivers", the female voice asks.

The first thought that ran through my mind was, 'Who the hell is this and how do they know me'.  However, it would be rude of me to say so I just answer yes.

The voice screeches, "It took me so long to find you.  I'm so sorry I didn't keep in touch; it was the biggest mistake I've ever made.  I'm coming home, but don't tell mom or dad.  The same house in Seattle right?"

I begin to cry immediately recognizing the voice as my sister, "Yes Iz.  It's the same house; but you should know-"

"Great, see you soon", she says cutting me off and hanging up the phone.

I sigh, "Dad's gone again".  She never liked when he left, and she's going to be mad when she finds out.  I walk upstairs so I could take a shower.  I turn the water on and undress, tossing my clothes on the floor.  I stand under the water thinking about how different things will be whenever Iz gets back.  She can't be that different though, right?  I mean, how much can a person change in four years?  I smirk, yeah right.  Look at how much I've changed in only six months.  I finish my shower and hurry to find something to wear; worrying I don't have much time before Ashton gets here.  I open my closet and grab a purple v-cut shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and my favorite Sperry's.  I'm too lazy to dry and straighten my hair, so I just scrunch it.  I rush downstairs to make breakfast, and barley make it to the kitchen before I hear a knock on the door, "Come in", I yell knowing it is just Ashton.

"Hey, umm there's some guy in your front yard".

I stop what I am doing and walk to the window.  "Roscoe", I call as I walk outside.  Naturally Roscoe follows me, "Hello, who are you", I say to the man in my yard.

"Kitty Cat", I hear before the shaggy man responds.  I look towards the direction of the voice and realize it is Iz.

"Don't call me that again", I protest as she walks over to hug me.  Ashton walks outside, "Ashton, this is my sister Izabella".

"Oh please, I've never liked that name.  Just call me Iz, and Cat this is Nick; my fiancé".

"Congratulations.  How far along are you", I jokingly ask.

"Hey!  She's not pregnant", Nick defensively says.

I roll my eyes, "Well Ashton and I have to get going, and mom doesn't know your boy toy so you can't stay here.  I'll call you when school's out". 

"Mom will be fine".

"No, you can't stay here.  Please leave until mom comes home", I walk inside with Roscoe and Ashton not caring if she bothered trying to respond.  Ashton hugs me, "You okay?"

He lets go, "Am I not allowed to hug you?"

I smile, "No of course you can, and I was just wondering if there was a reason".

"Not really, I mean, you just seemed bothered that your sister is back".

I look down, "It's just weird.  I mean she seems different but I don't know what it is".

"I see, that Nick guy is umm he's something", Ashton pauses, "But let's not talk about this; we have to go or we're going to be late".

I nod in agreement.  Ashton walks out to start the car; while I set the house alarm and lock the door.  I begin to walk to the car; Ashton meets me halfway and carries my bag.  The car ride is silent, and I'm zoned out at school thinking about Iz and her 'thing'.  Suddenly I feel someone tap on my shoulder, "Cat.  Hello, Earth to Catherine".

I snap back to reality, "Oh, hey Sarah".

"The lunch bell rang like 5 minutes ago, are you okay?"

I nod, "I'm great, except Iz is back".

Her eyes widen, "Wow.  It's been a long time, how did your mom take it?"

"Mom doesn't know, only Ashton and I do", she gives me 'the stare', "It gets better; she's engaged to this Nick guy". 

"Just wow.  I don't even really know how to respond to that".

"Yeah, anyway do you wanna come over later?  It would help; considering you know how Iz is", I cautiously ask.

Sarah nods, "Of course, but I can't come over right after school.  I have to study with Regina; but I can get there at 4:45".

"That would be great", I say as Sarah walks off.  The rest of the day was a blur; I only remember getting out of Ashton's car.  "Mom, I'm home", I say as I walk in the door.

"How was school", she yells from the kitchen.

I set my bag down on the couch, "It was okay; but uh mom I have to tell you something".  Before she gets the chance to respond, the doorbell rings.  "I'll get it, it's probably Sarah".

"I'm home", she yells as I open the door.

"Izabella, is it really you", my mother questions.

Iz and Nick walk through the door, "It's Iz, mother".

My mother looks at Nick, "Who is that?"

"Umm he's just a friend", Iz says.

"Mom, that's Nick.  Iz's fiancé", I chime in.

"Wow.  I guess some things never change.  Still ratting me out to my mother; you really are a brat", Izabella hisses.

Tears start to fill my eyes, "Four years, still isn't long enough.  Couldn't you have just stayed wherever you were?  Why did you come back anyway, I mean couldn't you have left us in peace?"  I run upstairs crying.  I text Sarah telling her something came up so she didn't need to come over.  My mother and Iz are arguing downstairs, but I don't bother trying to listen; I really couldn't care less.  Looks like people change a lot in four years; I guess promises no longer mean anything to some people.  I lie on my bed, and cry myself to sleep wishing Iz would go back to wherever the Hell she disappeared to.

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