After Math Part II

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 *A/N This is dedicated to @sws_lauren_sws because she literally just made my day.  Thank you*

After Math Part II

*Ashton's P.O.V.*

I pick my phone up and let out a sigh; it's just Drew. "Hey", I say answering the call.

"Did you punch Bryce", he blatantly asks.

"Way to not beat around the bush", I sarcastically reply.

"Everyone already knows, but he wants to press charges", Drew explains.

I freeze. He can't press charges on me, can he? If he does, I could get Cat to explain her story. No, I can't do that to her. She's been through enough with him, and I refuse to be the reason she suffers anymore because of him. "Why would he want to press charges"?

"Dude you broke his nose. Why wouldn't he press charges"?

"Well maybe if he-", I stop myself. I trust Drew but not with this, "I shouldn't have but he pissed me off".

There is silence for a moment, "I know. Look I was just giving you a heads up, I have to go".

The call ends and I sit on my bed squeezing my phone. There is a knock on my door, "Come in". I'm extremely surprised when I see Mindy walk in, "What do you want", I harshly ask.

Mindy gulps and moves her side bang with her hand, "Is what you told my mom true"?

I nod, "Every last bit". Mindy closes her eyes, clenches her fist, and then relaxes, "Mindy-"

"Nothing, he didn't do anything. It was an accident and I deserved it", she quickly says. Mindy turns and tries to leave my room quickly, I grab her arm and she lets out a slight squeal.

I barely touched her arm, "Mindy what did he do"?

"Nothing", she whispers looking into my eyes.

"Please tell me".

Mindy sighs and her eyes fill with tears, "Do you remember when I was supposed to be with Hailey and other girls from cheer"? I nod remembering the night she supposedly fell after cheer practice; "Well, I wasn't with the girls. I was with Bryce; and well I said things that made him mad. Then he umm he hit me a lot. I literally still have bruises on my arms and ribs from him; which is why I started wearing long sleeves all the time. I thought that would be enough", she pauses to wipe her eyes, "But no then the bastard raped me; and told me that if I told anyone he would only make it worst the next time".

I just hug her. I feel bad for asking, "Why didn't you tell me or mom"?

"I can't tell mom", she quickly retorts, "Please don't tell her. Please".

"I won't tell her", I pause, "But you should. Why didn't you tell me"?

Mindy looks at me like I've said something stupid, "You broke his nose over Cat. We're siblings and though we've never been that close; you've always been extremely protective over me".

"Of course, I wanted to kill him when I found out what he did to Cat. If you would've told me before just now, he would be in the ground already", I explain.

"Can I ask you a question", I nod; "Do you think that Cat would give me a chance to make up for being a bitch"?

I look at her, "I think she would. Why have you been a bitch to her"?

"I just thought she had sex with Bryce, while he and I were talking. I'm not very good with sharing; but then you started talking to her and I don't know. I guess it bothered me because you're my brother and I thought she was going to hurt you", Mindy explains.

I shake my head, "This is why girls have so many problems", I jokingly say. Mindy playfully punches my arm and laughs, "You laughed we're making progress".

Mindy nods, "Yeah I suppose we are". Her phone rings and she takes it out of her back pocket. "I think I should take this outside", she says as she looks at the screen.

"No", I aggressively say, "You can put him on speaker".

"Ashton no", Mindy yells. I take her phone, "Give it back"!

Someone comes running up the stairs, "Will the two of you quit fighting", Susan yells.

"Mom he took my phone", Mindy complains.

I look at her and then at Susan, "Tell her why I have your phone"; Mindy looks at me angrily with wide eyes.

"Mindy", Susan questions.

*Cat's P.O.V.*

I sit on my bed wondering how Ashton is; he left my house ages ago and he hasn't texted me at all. I set my phone on my bed and walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen, open the fridge and find there is nothing to eat. Beep, Beep, Beep I hear from upstairs, is that the burglary alarm? I duck behind our island bar; mom would have to take Roscoe to the vet today. I discretely look around the kitchen and see no one; I take a leap of faith and quickly run behind the couch. "Hello", I hear someone loudly say, "Cat. Angie"?

The voice finally clicks in my head. "Dad", I yell. He opens his arms and hugs me tightly, "I've missed you", I quietly say with a tear falling down my cheek. Things are finally about to get better, Dad's back and I've let people know about my secret.

"I missed you too", he says while letting me go.

I look at him with one eyebrow raised, "I thought you weren't going to be back for another seven months".

My dad shrugs, "Maybe I lied and wanted to surprise you".

I laugh, "I should've known. You really scared me though, why didn't you use a key or knock or something"?

"What fun would that have been", my dad jokingly retorts. The house phone begins to ring, "I'll get it". He walks into the kitchen and picks up the phone, "Hello". There is a brief moment of silence, "This is her dad. May I ask why you are calling"; my dad looks at me with a scorching stare. "Yes ma'am, do you know how to get here"? My heart drops, who is he talking to, and why is it about me? "Oh, your son knows", my dad focuses on me, "No problem ma'am I'll see you tomorrow". My dad puts the phone down, "Is there anything you want to tell me".

I look at him, "There's a lot I need to tell you, where would you like me to start"?

"The beginning would be nice", he pauses, "Actually who's Mrs. Kinnett's son and why does he know how to get to my house"?

"Ashton's mom called? What did she want"?

My dad looks at me, "I don't know she has to talk to me about a problem her son told her about. You broke your promise".

"No I didn't! I swear. Ashton is just a friend. Do I like him? Yeah, he's amazing; but I wouldn't date him without your approval with or without a promise. He knows how to get here because we hang out quite frequently and he drives me to school", I explain. He raises his eyebrow, "But honestly I don't know what she wants to talk to you about". I take a moment to think, Ashton must have told her about Bryce. "Dad, I need you to sit on the couch and promise me you won't get mad".

My dad sits on the couch, "I pinky promise sealed with the thumb I will try not to get mad".

"Okay. While you were gone, many things happened. One problem in particular has haunted me for the past six months or so". I pause collecting my thoughts, "I went to this party and met a guy". My dad scolds me with his facial expression, "It wasn't like that. I was staring at Ashton anyway; Bryce was just hosting the party". My dad nods, "Well, he took me up to his room and he umm he raped me".

My dad jumps off the couch, "He what".

"Dad sit down", and he does, "Then I found out I was pregnant and I called him. He then took me to an abortion clinic and killed the baby without my consent". Tears roll down my face and my dad hugs me.

He holds me tightly, "We are talking to Ashton's mom tomorrow and then we are going to the cops; okay"? I just nod, I can't tell my dad no. He lets me go and I head up to my room.

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