Chapter 16 (4th Of July)

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Chapter 16

4th Of July

I sat on a bench in the park and watched the kids play. Luckily Bella can play on what she wants to and not worry about hurting her arm. She was surprisingly sad to get her cast taken off since she had so many signatures. But the doctor let her keep it and she keeps it on her dresser.

Marco was off with the guys. At least I know he's not messing with Eddie. I called the cops on him and he got hauled off. Marco was mad at me about it, but he eventually got over it.

"Mommy, can you push me on the swings?" Bella asked me.

"Sure sweetie."
I pushed Bella on the swings. She smiled and laughed and begged me to make her go higher.

"Mommy when do we go back to school?" She asked me.

"August like always, why?"

"Because of Danny Underwood."

"Is that a boy in your class?"

"Yeah. He's extremely cute! At first I thought boys were stupid and icky, but Danny is cool. He's really popular like me which means we're perfect for each other."

Her first crush! I can't believe it's finally happened. Soon she'll have her first boyfriend and then I'll have to give her "the talk". The boys will soon have their first crushes and Marco will have to give them "the talk". The kids are growing up way too fast.

"Mommy, when did you have your first boyfriend?" She asked me.

I thought back. I started liking guys when I was in 1st grade, but didn't have a boyfriend until 4th grade. "4th grade is when I had my first boyfriend."

"Okay, then I'll wait until I'm in 4th grade. I want to be just like you when I get older."
She wants to be like me? Does that mean she wants to have a baby in high school like I did? I'm afraid that the kids will make that same mistake and hearing Bella say she wants to be like me, makes that fear worse.

Marco's P.O.V*

I walked through the mall in silence with my hands tucked in my pockets. Why do they always have to invite Dustin, Chase, and Kyle? None of us like them, but the girls force them to come with us.

"So how are the kids?" Chase asked me.

"They're good." I simply answered, not really wanting to talk to him.

"Speaking of kids." Paul said. "Kassia is pregnant."

"Seriously?" We all asked.

"She'll be 16 weeks in two days. We're having a girl and we're going to name her Amy."

"Why are you just telling us now?" Spencer asked. "Congratulations. Do the girls know?"

"I don't think Kassia has told them. She doesn't get out of the house much."

"Bailey hasn't said anything about it. But congratulations. Join the Daddy club."

Lunch time came and we went to the food court. My phone rang and I looked to see it was Bailey.

"Hey Bailey." I answered.

"Bella has her first crush!" She said.

"Her first crush?" Great, Bella likes boys now. Before I know it, she'll have her first boy friend. But no guy is good enough for Bella, even if she is only an 8-year-old girl. "Do you think we should give her the talk?"

"She's only 8. She doesn't need to know about that now."
"But you can never be too careful. Kids these days do a lot of things they shouldn't, if you know what I mean."

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