Unrequited Love

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His voice, a harsh, loud and demanding sound. Drawing attention from every single individual in the room. A string of harsh, biting words and curses used to instill his authority and superiority over those deemed lesser. But, behind closed, locked doors, that harsh unrelenting voice is soft, like a tender crease. It's shocking, unreal, something precious that is meant to be cherished and locked away in one's memory. For someone so young, barely eighteen, he has a way with his words.

But it's not just the words, phrases, or sentences that he utters, it's the intensity of his eyes. A vivid green that shines with an intensity brighter than the sun mixed with unbreakable determination and will. Like a forest fire, strong and unrelenting, burning anything in its path.

It's strange in a way, how many of the things about him contradict each other and yet balance out almost perfectly. Maybe it's me, how even at his worst, when he is unforgiving and cruel, beating down those who work to destroy Gotham and engulf it in flames, that I can't help but feel like he can do no wrong.

He has killed people, due to his upbringing. Bones shatter and crack under the sheer strength of his hands. Slender, fragile things, and yet capable of snapping someone's windpipe with a squeeze. They are stained by blood, never quite able to be washed clean. Scarred, but that doesn't stop him from pushing forward, working out his issues and changing for the better.

Blood stained fingers are now open to creases and gentle holds. His hands, they clench and unclench at his sides when faced with a criminal we are working to bring to justice, it's a milestone in how far he has come, a silent relief when he shows restraint and doesn't give in to the demands of his bloodlust.

I've watched him grow into the respectable man he is today, no longer the rambunctious and out of control ten-year-old he once was.


Now he was freshly turned eighteen and stood taller than even me, his height rivaled that of Jason's and his body filled out beautifully. He was slender but strong, sharp and smooth. A being that didn't seem like it belonged in this world.

He's the center of my world, the first and last thought in my mind.

Always. Didn't matter if I was in the middle of something his face would shape in my mind and his voice, like velvet, would whisper in my ears and bring about an ache inside myself I didn't think I'd ever feel.

It was the most pleasurable of tortures, one I wanted to end and yet not to. He is everything.

I yearn to tell him, to show him how I feel and how much he affects me. But I don't want to ruin the bond we built up over the years. So, I'll continue to love him from a distance and show my affections in little bursts and cherish the small moments. That's enough for me.

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