Unrequited Love (pt.2)

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A/N: Sorry guys, it's been so long. I've been struggling with motivation and finding time to actually sit down and write. As you can probably tell, this one is told from Damian's point of view. I hope it isn't terrible and that it hopefully meets your standurds. Anyway, Happy reading lovelies!!


(Damian's Journal)


Many depict beauty as perfection, flawless, and untainted. Beauty is expressed as perfect proportions, expensive clothes, and anything that makes one more beautiful. But to me, an artist and a being that once strived for perfection himself, have come to realize that true unadulterated beauty lies within imperfections.

I'm brutally aware of the number of individuals who will disagree with me and to them I say, believe what you will, I am not going to force my way on you, though at one point I might have. But back to my speel on beauty and why it's relevant. 


I've never done this before, using a book to document my thoughts, to write down the things I feel. I feel it is ridiculous, maybe even a waste of one's time but it was recommended to me by someone I look up to, someone I admire greatly, even if he is overly affectionate, clingy, and lacks a brain cell or two. Truth is, he's amazing, with his over bearing care, enthusiasm, and positive outlook on life. 

Breath Taking

A work of art, from his well toned, compact body, to his sleek black hair that's soft to the touch, eyes a captivating shade of cobalt, like sapphires. He is well worked, the scars marring his skin prove that and instead of dimming his alluring glow they add to it. I could spend hours admiring him, tracing every movement with my eyes. I could paint thousands of pictures of him and never be able to touch his level of beautiful. Constructed by Gods, I swear.


Smooth movements, calculated actions. He's cautious, careful, and observant. On patrol, as Nightwing, he's the opposite of his normal self, still holds the warmth and affection of Dick Grayson but it's less prominent, more confined, filtered, suppressed. It's thrilling just being in his presence, to be able to breathe the same air. No one sees him the way I do. He taught me, helped steer me away from the destruction and blood shed my future would have been saturated with. He's my savior, my light, shining at the end of a tunnel, my salvation.

Master Piece

His laugh, so carefree, light, brings butterflies to my stomach. The thought of him interferes with my everyday dealings, like school and patrol. I can't take it and so I take off, run and hide in order to keep my sanity in tact. It worries him, but he doesn't press. instead he gives me my space, probably dismisses it as a teenager thing, I don't blame him for that. I could never blame him. 

I'm ashamed to admit that I sound like a lovesick fool, pinning away in secret over someone I can never have. But dammit, it's true and I'm so greatful this will never see the light of day. With the family I have, I would never live it down.


Kind hearted, selfless, and giving. I don't deserve him and yet I crave, like a thirsty man in a desert, for him. He has taken my heart hostage, and I would have it no other way. Would willingly give up my life for him if he asked me to. I find myself unable to be selfish with him and so I never speak up, never bring this thing I feel twisting like a knife in my chest to light. It aches.


Many want him, lust after him, but all I want, need, is him to stay beside me. I crave his approval and company like air.

 I become overly excited when news of him coming to the manner is shared, though I act composed, I'm secretly freaking out inside. I adore him to the point it's painful. It's endless, welcomed torture. Grayson is everything I could have hoped for, someone I could have only dreamed of. I am dumbfounded by my ability to be so enamoured with him.


But, it isn't meant to be. Saying or showing how I feel will undo years of bonding within seconds. It'd be obliterated and any chance of being in the same room with him will be banned. 

A love like ours is a forbidden one. So bittersweet and yet I'll take it over having nothing at all. Grayson, my redemption, is the single most important thing in my life, I will never let him go.

If only......




He placed the pen down and closed the leather bound book, tucking it away from prying eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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