The beggining

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I first opened my eyes in a breeding facility for humans,
us humans at the time were the inferior species, we were used as slaves to build tall skyscrapers,
to do basic chores, we were used as test rats, toys for torture, and all the rest for the shi.
the shi is what we called them because like shi they were the bringers of death.
the shi had taught us basic survival skills and their basic language, so we could do as we were told.

they named us too, well we were given a code. my code was |UCY.H34R+F1||14
this code was tattooed on our wrists, along with a barcode. they also scan our fingerprint.
all this dandy information goes into our file. along with our criminal record,
and just about anything linked to us you could possibly want to know.
this database is linked to a site accessible to every shi. it's a very organized system.

the shi population were divided into sectors of civilizations or societies.
there were 18 of these sectors, they had tall walls that towered hundreds of feet in the air separating the sectors.
each sector went a few hundred miles in each direction.
inside these sectors there were quadrants. a term used to separate slaves by age.
I was in sector 9, and I stayed a slave in sector 9 for 12 years. my sector could be considered a haven for some humans.
it has less shi then any other. why?

in sector 13 they test on us, trying out types of bioweapons, torture treatments, that they can use on us. 16 is even worse,
I heard one of the shi there had an obsession of torturing his slaves, in multiple ways he would slowly kill them.
my sector used to be a power plant surrounded by a vibrant city, it was the prized jewel of all the sectors.
years before my birth and settlement, that is.
but in a desperate attempt to escape, some of the humans sabotaged the plant.
many shi died but all human life in sector 9 was eliminated. by the explosion, or the executions.
our generation is strictly made to rebuild the city. to return it to its former glory.

a large percentage of us die every year because of the radioactive poisoning,
that's why there are very few shi here to watch us,
they're scared, scared to get sick from the poisoning. scared to die. cowards.

we all had owners, some shi had lots of slaves others had just one. and us as humans when being 'created'
are genetically modified. to do different jobs, we were also modified to be immune to the radioactive poisoning,
sometimes, it doesn't work.
most of the sector 8's slaves were made to rebuild the city.
I was originally made to rebuild the city too, but they found that due to my higher IQ level and small body build, that something had gone wrong.
see after we are created we stay at the facility for 5 years, to be educated to an extent,
because of my body build I would have been useless when it came to physical work.
I was going to be disposed of, but the shi running the breeding facility decided to sell me instead.

at the age of 5, I was sent to work as a maid in the rebuilt part of the city, with my master, Jude, and his wife Layla Heartfillia.
they were extremely important and rich shi. but even through this, they did not treat me ill,
Layla treated me like a daughter in a way, since she could not have one of her own.
she had an illness that prevented her from doing so.
Jude was disgusted by the way Layla treated me but refused to stop it, not wanting to ruin his wife's happiness.

I worked for them for 3 years, they had many other slaves and I met a lot of different shi. Mostly Layla's Friends. They seemed to have some sort of liking to humans as well. I got to see them more often, as Jude worked more and more hours. They only came when Jude wasn't around. I Guess he didn't approve of them either.
I found life not so bad, even though I hadn't left the house for those 3 years.
I was to stay in the house work, clean, cook, and keep Layla company. it was like this for a while.
until Layla passed from radioactive poisoning.
Jude had beat me for this. told me it was my fault. my race did this to her.
and he was right. it was my race who sabotaged the power plant, and caused people grief. shi and human alike.

I was deeply saddened by Layla's passing. even if I was her slave. She wasn't someone who could be easily hated.
I guess I slowly killed my emotions after that.
Jude helped, beating me, breaking anything left in my body that could feel pain.
the other slaves were sold, to pay for his constant drinking habits.
he kept me, probably cause Layla cared for me so much. he really hated how she treated me.
a year after Layla's death Jude joined her. but not by the same means.

his blood was on my hands, though I wasn't stupid. I wasn't about to be executed for treason.
I had used a syringe and I had filled in with air. just normal air.
I snuck into his room, while he was asleep. it was a large room, the moonlight shining through the window was my only light source.
sneaking up to his side of the bed, his disturbing snores only grew louder.
I found a major artery quite quickly. sliding the syringe into his skin I pushed the air through.
I successfully disposed of the syringe and went back to the cupboard under the stairs, that's where I stayed.

I slept soundly in my bed until the sun rose. the rest happened in such a blur. the paramedics arrived and claimed him dead,
he died from a heart attack.
no one suspected what actually happened and I was sent to work under a group of shi who were rebuilding a part of the city.
I got to see the world outside that house.
and I wish I hadn't.

like I said earlier my body wasn't built for hard-core physical work, so building tall buildings, lifting, and all the rest,
was a lot harder.

it's a little scary, being a slave and all.
it doesn't matter if you're work is in agriculture or in home rebuild, or even if your just a house slave.
once you reach a certain age they perform surgery on you. next year it's my quadrant. I'm in quadrant 12 right now.
they take something from us, and they use it to make more of us. its extremely confusing.

any chance I get I talk to the others, the other slaves from different quadrants,
or slaves traveling with their masters to different sectors,
I try to find out any information I can. there aren't many of these chances,
but all I want is understanding. Hard labour was tough, but I got used to it.

the sun burns on my bare skin, the shi wore long robes, but us? no, we were bare.
when I worked under Jude I was forced to wear a uniform, I guess it's because they were rich.

I mean our owners now couldn't possibly afford to clothe us.
because of me previously working under the richest shi in sector 8, I was shunned by the rest of the humans.
even though we didn't get clothes, we did get a bath day. Saturday, was bath day and every other day was obviously work day.
we also had very small rations, we got fed twice a day.
morning and night, for breakfast, a small bun. and for dinner bland mashed potatoes.

we also got a little tin box, to take with us while we worked.
it contained a bottle of water. I usually didn't eat breakfast and saved it in my tin box for when I got really hungry.
the tin box was also a great way to sneak items back to camp, like objects that survived the nuclear explosion.
that's how I came upon the journal. I kept it with me at all times, and whenever I got the chance,
I would flip it open and read the contents of its pages. But we can talk about the journal in another chapter ok!

in total.
it was a lot less then what Layla would feed me.

when we weren't working we were to stay in or around our quarters.
what I mean by quarters is that we had stations or camps, that we slept in.
my campsite consisted of all the humans used to rebuild the city,
there was another a few miles away that held the agricultural slaves.
the slaves that work on farms.

the two camps had a similar design; watch towers, barb wire fencing, residential blocks, everything you could possibly need for a slave camp.
very few guards. but then again, who would run away?
if you were caught; execution, or worse... torture.
and where would you go? besides the city, the only land in sector 8 is completely poisoned.
and you wouldn't go to another sector, you would be caught before you could say "I'm free".

I got used to being naked. and I got used to being alone. figured out how the other humans dealt with it.
you don't feel embarrassed about being naked because being clothed was never an option.
I guess that's what it was like for them, eventually, that became the norm for me also.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I hope I can live up to your expectations!
Word Count: 1650

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