A war for justice, a war for revenge

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The lack of shi here in sector 9 makes it a lot easier to get away with stuff, like for example,
when I was nine I stole some books from one of the shi's offices, in one of the rebuilt parts of the city.
never got caught. I hide them in an old building on the far side of the sector,
its pretty much just rubble, but whenever I get the chance,
I hide out there, reading and what not. I also read 'the journal'

I stole 4 books, I knew very little when it came to language, so the books helped.
one was about how to fight, it was called martial arts, It's my favorite, there were 2 about language and history,
there was one about the 18 sectors, the more I read, the more knowledgeable I became.
I never told anyone about the books.

when I was 10 I had tried to get more, but I got caught. they publically flogged me, over and over.
they used the new whips from sector 13, they were long and black and had bits of sharp metal poking from the leather.
I've never felt so much pain before. the whips ripped my back to shreds, I'm lucky I didn't die from blood loss.

today I am 12, so is the rest of my quadrant, there was no celebration. because we did not know of any.
all we know is what we have, and we don't have anything. clothes, food of our own, freedom?
how quick we were to realize how very little we knew about what those things were.

the shi ruled over us without mercy,
those who broke the rules,
met a fate worse than death.
and that's how it went, for a really long time actually

people still tried to, rebel and what not, a few weeks ago some of the accused rebellions from sector 8 were
being sent to sector 13, there was about a hundred of them
meaning that they had to pass through sector 9.
I had a measly few seconds to talk to one of the prisoners,
he was slightly tanned and had a tough exterior build, he had peculiar pink hair that stuck out in every direction,
his eyes were an oxyn green that I seemed to get lost in the brief moment I was able to speak with him.
he looked a little older than me, but he couldn't have been by much. he still had his parts.

he said but one thing. 'the the success of the shi will be their undoing'.
I kept his words in mind, and it spiked a small glimpse of hope.
word started to spread among us that 8 was beginning a rebel,
we didn't know their plans, but then again we didn't even know if the rumors were true.
but we had hope, the shi had taught us the word hope but said we had none, that no human could ever experience it.
they were wrong, and so the rebellion of the 18 began.

(late that night a ruckus was made, yelling, fire, gunshots,
everyone hurried out to see what all the commotion was about,
we were instantly rushed into the heat of battle.
we outnumbered them, but the shi had weapons.
it was easy to understand what had happened.
sector 8 rebelled.

sector 8 had split into 2, 1 group was to head to sector 1, gathering all humans from the sectors along the way.
the other half were to go through to 18, again fighting their way through the other sectors
I joined in the fight, grabbing a long shard of metal, I used any knowledge I had on fighting to fight my way through.
I didn't know how many shi I killed... too many to count,

after hours of endless fighting, we pulled it off,
I wouldn't call it a victory, so many of us died, we were halved in numbers.
I didn't come out unscathed either, I had a large cut on my upper thigh. I had managed to subdue the bleeding with a piece of cloth from an already defeated shi.
but now that we had taken over 8 and 9, from our knowledge the only thing left was to keep on fighting,
we scavenged for weapons or tools from the sectors, we spent just a few days doing so,
it was every man for themselves at that point. then it was back to the battlefield.
the journal was the only thing I kept with me the entire war front.

I fought my way over from 9 to 13 with another thousand people to spread the word, we stood on top of the wall of 13,
I could see the blond boy a few hundred meters away, he was tied up on a stake above a massive unlit bonfire.
I recognized the people also tied there with him, they were the rebels from that day.
so they decided to kill them huh? my main goal fighting across the front line was to save them,
the majority of the shi were focused on fighting us, meaning none of them were lighting the bonfire.
that would give me a chance!

we had stolen old gear from decades ago, from one of the shi storage units,
we each got a long tee shirt like piece of cloth that covered our butts,
a belt that worked as a harness for climbing the walls.
a plate of armour that covered our chests, a grappling hook,
blade and small gun, I had crafted a small pouch for the book, using some leather and everything i remembered about clothing repair while I was working for the heartfillias. the pouch was located on my belt.
the small gun, blade and grappling hook all fitted perfectly in the straps of our belt harness.
I didn't know the names of these items at the time but i knew they would be the difference we needed to win this war. 
I made my way down the wall, we used grappiling hooks, the thrill, the adrenaline, I had become addicted to it.

I jumped off the wall. turning slightly so that my back face the ground that was slowly edging closer.
pulling the trigger I felt a sudden jolt as the grappling hook latched onto the corner of the wall and the rope became slack.
I hooked the line to my belt and abseiled the way down.

I was one of the first down, I quickly advanced on the enemy fighting my way through the groups of shi,
I had quickly become better at fighting in the few sectors I fought in.
making my way to the execution platform, where the pinky was about to burn.
I hastily climbed onto the platform and started to cut the thick ropes.

the boy who had been unconsious sunddenly awoke.
they started dropping bombs on us now, the ground shook making me loose ballance and fall to the ground.
"I see you're already falling for me?" he said with a smirk. how could he seem so peaceful, so optimistic in his shape?
looks like they really did a number on him before putting him on the stake. he continued to smile as I get up and continue on my mission

"your not into good a shape to be talking." I say through gritted teeth, his optimism getting on my nerves.

"just a second more," I say as I cut off the last of the ropes.

a wounded shi stumbled close to us, I guess he wasn't going down without a fight.
he ran at the pink haired boy, on instinct, I disarmed him and ended his life
I guess I've become a heartless monster myself. a cold blooded killer.
'nice one! I guess I owe you twice now!' i couldn't help but roll my eyes.
'whatever we have a war to win!'

we cut free the rest of the humans and fought.
we took over 13 with less than 200 casualties, its the best results we've had this war.
once 13 was ours we were to continue on to 14, then 15.
by the time we reach 15, we hope sectors 16, 17, and 18 will be there to help.
then our job is to take any human survivors and make our way back to 9.

"hey!" I call out to the pink haired boy, he turns around and runs over to me.
right now we are preparing for the fight against 14, we had three days to prepare. it was like a small break,
to come to terms with what we were doing.
"I was wondering..." I roll back and forth on my feet. fiddling with my fingers awkwardly.
"why is your hair pink?" I question pointing at his spiky pink hair.
"It's salmon." he deadpans.

I laugh a little,
"hey we should join everyone else." I struggle to say as his peculiar hair colour puts me in another fit of laughter.
everyone else at the moment was scavenging for food, resources, ect.
"your probably right!" he smirks, I got lost in his eyes until next thing i knew I was being dragged into a building.
most of the buildings weren't in too good of a shape, but the one pinky- or samon? dragged me into was in pretty okay condition.

the place smelt off, i saw natsu cringe, his nose crinkled in disgust. the tair was thick,
the smell of rotten flesh filling my nostrils.
I cover my nose.
"where is that smell coming from?" I was dry gagging, the dampened thick air clung to me, I started to sweat in fear.

pinky, whose hand was still laced through mine, led me to a small door at the back. he kicked it open,
the smell flushed out from the now open door, worsening the stench. a small staircase led down to a poorly lit hallway.
I nudged him, pleading that we go back. he ignored me letting go of my hand he headed down the old staircase.
I reluctantly followed.

the floor boards creaked as we head down the eerie stairs, we made it to the bottom floor,
it was lit dimly by flickering lights that swung around.
I swear I'm at my limit, the smell is unbearable, I hold in my urge to vomit,
the food rations are small, I cant afford to lose any food.
I peek my eyes open. pinky, who is in front of me was shaking uncontrollably.

I take a few steps closer and peek my head around his broad shoulder.


hope you enjoyed the chapter, I can't wait till I post the more cheesy parts, but we got to get the gore out of the way *dramatic Sigh*

Word count: 1724

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