I Miss You

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my name is Gray. I am not called by any other name.
that was the name I was given by my Master Ur.
She was a shi, but she wasn't like the others.
she was amazing, In every way possible.
she was powerful, taught me how to defend myself.
she was kind, treated me like a shi would treat their child.
she hated that word, shi.
she hated how we weren't considered equal.
and because of her beliefs, she died.
no, she didn't die... she was murdered.

I should start from the beginning.
when I was young I lived in sector 16.
it was the least developed of the sectors, but that's not really the issue.
we were known for our general, Deliora.
he was a brute, a bastard, a murdering psychopath.
trust me, I know.

I was one of his slaves.

he was cruel, he would torture us to death.
I was lucky, I was only under his rule for a short 2 years.
when I was seven the estate had caught on fire.
Ur, a shi had saved me from the smoke.
unfortunately, Deliora survived the fire as well.

and he was pretty bent on finding out who caused it.

I stayed with Ur for a year.
there was another boy Lyon, yeah he was there too.
I have to admit, I had grown to hate all shi.
I just wish I could have told ur how much she meant to me before she passed.
I wish I could tell her how much a miss her, how sorry I am.

Deliora assumed all his slaves died, he didn't put any effort into searching.
but he did hire a bunch of investigators to work out how the fire started.
once they concluded it was done on purpose, he was out for blood.

I mean he did lose his estate to the fire, along with all his workers and slaves.
a lot of money down the toilet.
but in all seriousness, he deserved a lot more.
how he tortured us, was sick and twisted.

I was always cruel to Ur, because she was a shi.
But she put up with me, and she cared about me.

after a year of being under the care of Ur, they invaded.
Deliora and a small army smashed down our door.
Ur ran to Lyon and me, I remember her words so clearly it hurts.
"You have to run, I can't go with you."
"why are they here," I remember Lyon asking,
tears were pouring out his eyes as he shook in fear.

"I'm the one who started the fire. He's been after me this whole time.
now you have to leave! he doesn't know your here!"
her cheeks were stained with the never-ending flow of tears.
"We're not leaving without you!" we cried out.
she held our faces with her hands, wiping our tears away she said,
"I love you both so much, I can't leave with you, he won't stop until I'm dead."

"no, we'll find another way!" Lyon cried out.
"Find Ultear, she's my daughter, she'll protect you. now go!"
my heart sank, I felt like I was gonna throw up.
I grabbed Lyon hand and turned around,
but before I started to run to the back door and escape with Lyon...

I ran up to Ur and hugged her.
I hugged her so tight wishing that if I held on tight enough,
she wouldn't disappear.
she placed a piece of paper in my hand.

and With that, we left.
Deliora Burnt her alive in her own home.
we watched from a distance as the place we called home, turned to ashes.
We made a grave, Lyon planted a tree seed in the cleared area,
he said that it will grow into the biggest tree.
So big that Ur will be able to see it from the heavens.

The piece of paper. it had Ultears whereabouts, along with a note.
the handwriting was cursive and neat.
as though a gift from an angel, I treasured that piece of paper.
Lyon and I, we never found Ultear.

I got captured, but at least I made sure they didn't get Lyon.
I don't know where he is, But I hope he's safe.
I hope he finds Ultear. I hope he's happy.

as for me. I was sent to work in sector 8,
their growing population meant they needed more agricultural slaves.
I was almost 9 when I got to sector 8. I stayed there till the war started.
I hope I get to see Lyon again, I want to find Ultear.
but what I want more than anything, is to see ur again.

And I await the day when I can run back into her arms and say...

I-I love you Ur!

Ok Not my longest chapter T^T Oh Well

Word count: 760

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