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As I walked into school the next morning, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Last night wasn’t very productive, causing me to toss and turn in my sleep. 

At 1:30 A.M, I’d gone downstairs to get a glass of water. When I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I saw that the kitchen and living room lights were on, prompting me to tip- toe back upstairs to avoid the wrath of Dad. At 3:00, I needed to use the toilet. At 4:30, Andy, my cat, clawed my face in her sleep. Finally, my alarm had rung at 6:30. So, not much sleep at ALL. 

“Hey Rhea! How was the date?” Mo ran up to me, matching my pace as we entered the building. Her backpack was slung over her shoulder and her raven hair was windswept, giving off a natural messy look. Me, on the other hand, probably looked like a squirrel that went through a bulldozer! My black hair was unkempt, pulled back into a messy bun. A plain black t- shirt hung loosely on me, while paint- splattered jeans clothed my bottom half. Unattractive, I know.

“It was fine. We just- Wait, what did you say? It wasn’t a date! I don’t like him that way!” I replied in surprise. He was one of my best friends! Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, me? Really?

“Pshh. Silly, you can drop the act. Everybody can see he totally has the hots for you!” She exclaimed as I opened my locker, shoved my books inside and grabbed my Calculus textbook and binder hurriedly. 

“No he doesn’t. And I don’t like him that way.”

“ ’Kay, whatever you say. Now, let’s go. Mr. McLean’s going to give us detention if we’re late!” Mo grabbed my arm and pulled me towards room 158. “Don’t want that again, do you?”

I huffed in response and frowned. Damn him! Now I had to stay after school instead of drawing or painting in my room. Yeah, I was kind of a closeted artist. Only Mo, Kay, Alec, and Dad knew about my passion. And one other boy. No! Why was I thinking about him? ‘He’s not worth your time, Rhea.’ My brain responded automatically.

“Rhea? Are you okay? Rheeaa!” Mo waved her hands in front of my eyes and snapped her fingers a few times. When I came to, a flash of realization flitted over her features. “Oh. You’re thinking about him, aren’t you.” It came out as more of a statement than a question. “Sweetie, it’s not good to bottle up all these emotions inside of you. You know you can always talk to me about it, right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just… Yeah, I understand. Now let’s go, I don’t want another detention.” This time, I took the lead, grasping her arm and entering the doorway. Mr. McLean turned around, just in time to see us. I pretended not to see the scowl he sent my way, and sat down beside Mo. Only seconds later, Logan walked in, looking perfect as ever. How did he even look that perfect? He’d probably gotten the same amount of sleep I’d gotten. Yup, life was so unfair.

Halfway through the lesson, my cellphone vibrated. Before I answered the text, I glanced up at Mr. McLean to make sure he was facing the board. He had a strict ‘no texting’ policy. He was writing equations on the board, so I glanced back down at my phone.

Didn’t get enough sleep last nite? Don’t worry, you still look cute- xo                                                           -Blocked Number

 Huh? Who sent that? Nobody knew what happened last night except Dad and… Logan!

I glanced up at Logan. His eyes were on the board. He was jotting down equations with an ink pen on his notebook. Well, if it wasn’t him, who was it? Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I glanced back down at the text. Blocked Number, I read, scanning it once more. Fine, I’ll just reply and see if they tell me. 

Who are you?                                                                                                                                                           -Rhea

Immediately, a phone dinged. I cringed in surprise. They should’ve had their phone on vibrate if they wanted to text during class! Whirling around on his heel, Mr. McLean faced the class. 

“Whose phone is that?” His lips were pressed into a tight line. His beady eyes, swept the room. I discreetly slipped my cellphone under my binder, keeping my eyes trained to the front of the room. Only Mo noticed my little movement and winked subtly at me. “You! Stand up! What’s your name?”

When I saw who he was pointing to, my breath stopped. Logan rose up out of his seat, the pen dropping onto his notebook. “Logan Black, sir.”

“Was that your phone?”

“Yes, sir.” He replied. I gasped in shock. So it WAS him!

"I understand you're new here, so I'll let you off with a warning, Mr. Black. Now sit down." Mr. McLean ordered. Seriously? Life definitely was not fair! I caught a glimpse of Logan's smirk. When he noticed me glaring at him, he winked, not so subtly at me. Suddenly, a light flashed under my binder, signaling a new message. I peeked at it, reading the words.

Can't stop staring? Jealous?                                                                                                                                 -XtremelyHot

Extremely hot? What kind of... never mind. I scoffed at this and replied back.

No, why would I be jealous? Ur lucky McLean let u off with a warning! :(                                                     -Rhea

Immediately he replied.

Ur jealous b/c nobody can look like me in the morning. And that wasn't luck! That was... charm!          -XtremelyHot

Yeah, nobody CAN look that ugly in the mornings. And what charm? All you said was yes sir!               -Rhea

Obviously I was lying on the former part of my text! But I wasn't going to let that get to his head.


I glanced up, only to see two loafer clad feet tapping on the linoleum floor. Gulping, I blinked, then stared up into Mr. McLean's face.

"Detention, young lady." He pulled out a yellow slip and handed it to me. "Today after school. And all the other days you have detention." He walked away, detention pad in one hand, pen in the other. My jaw was slack, my cheeks burning in embarrassment. Was this going to be a daily occurrence? When I looked around, people were giggling and chuckling. Mo's head was on her desk and her body was violently shaking. Logan was biting his lip, trying not to laugh. He failed. 

Hey! So, two updates in a row! Woohoo! Go me!

This chapter's dedicated to @the_wacky_potato because she likes the Heroes of Olympus Series!

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