Chapter 8

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JC just called me beautiful. I couldn't believe it. It was all I thought about during the car ride to Olive Garden.

"I still can't believe this is your car Kiara! I honestly never expected you to drive a car like this... I don't know why." Connor says as we pull into the parking lot at Olive Garden.

"Umm, thanks. I think?" I said with a laugh and parked the car. As soon as we parked we got out and waited for Kian's car to pull up too. Thankfully, we didn't have to wait to long because Kian's car pulled up within minutes.

"Ready guys?" Ricky asks while shutting his door.

"Yeah!" we all say at the same time, making Andrea and I laugh. From there, we all walked into the restaurant to see a huge line inside (which didn't shock me to be honest).

"Oh, are you serious?!" Connor says while throwing his arms up in the air. Seconds later to hostess notices us standing there and welcomes us.

"Welcome to Olive Garden! For how many?" she says with a smile. I couldn't help but realize her staring at JC, which for some reason made me jealous.

"6 people please, under Kiara. And just out of curiosity, how long is the wait?" I say in reply to her question. She looks down at the paper and adds my name to a list.

"Roughly half an hour" she says and calls the next person on the list.

Immediately all the guys start to whine about having to wait, so we decide to head to the bar area to order appetizers and drinks while we wait. After searching, we finally find a table to sit at. As I go to pull out my chair I see someone pulling it out for me already, I look up and see a younger looking guy who looked like he was in his early twenties.

"I got it for you Miss!" he says with a smile, and pushes my chair in as I sit down.

JC's P.O.V

I didn't like what this waiter was doing and saying to Kiara. I know we aren't dating for anything, but it still made me jealous and angry to see Kiara laughing and smile cause of someone else.

"Hey man, can I order my drink now?" I say trying to sound polite, without trying to sound angry.

"Yes of course! What would you like?" he asks me while taking out a pad of paper and a pen to write down our orders.

"I'll have a Pepsi" I say a look over to my left at Kian, signalling that it was his turn to order.

"I'll have an ice tea please" he says. After Andrea, Ricky and Connor order their drinks he looks over at Kiara.

"And what would this beautiful young lady like to drink?" he says, making Kiara blush. That made me even more angry. I guess you could see it on my fave because Ricky tapped my shoulder and whispered into my ear, asking if I was okay. I told him I was fine and excused myself from the table.

Kiara's P.O.V

I had just finished ordering my drink when I saw JC get up and walk towards the bathrooms. He looked upset but I didn't want to bring attention to the issue if everyone else didn't seem to notice.

"So Kiara, tell me a bit about yourself!" Andrea says. I then start to tell her how I moved here from Canada and how I'm an architect/ interior designer. Immediately her eyes lit up!

"Perfect! I'm trying to redecorate my apartment, would you mind coming shopping with me and helping me out? I would really appreciate it!" she said holding her hands together as if she was begging.

"Okay! Sure! I don't work weekends, so anytime during the weekend works for me!" I say with a smile. I was glad to finally have made a friend here who was a girl, and Andrea seemed really nice. Then I remembered that Sunday all the guys were coming to my house for dinner, so I decided that I should invite Andrea too.

"Oh and Andrea, Sunday all the guys are coming to my place for dinner. You should come too!" I say with a comforting and welcoming smile.

"I'd love too! Thanks Kia!" she says and returns the smile. Then, finally JC comes back, after what felt like 10 minutes.

"You okay JC?" I ask as he sits down.

"Yeah I'm okay, just wanted to wash up a little before we eat" he says giving me a small smile and looking down at his phone. Minutes later the waiter returns with our drinks. He hands everyone their drinks, and mine is last.

"And for the beautiful young lady!" he says as he places my drink in front of me. I laughed a little because no one had ever really called me beautiful before, well besides JC. Speaking of JC, I look over on his direction to see him giving the waiter a furious look, though I don't think the waiter noticed.

"And I'll be back shortly with your appetizers" he says to all of us, shoots a wink at me and walks away.

"Kiaaaaara!! I think he likes you!" Andrea squeals and quietly claps her hands. I laughed a little and how excited she was and turned to JC again. He still looked mad, but not as mad as before.

Just as I was about to question him, Kian speaks up.

"JC.. Can I talk to you real quick?" he says, and they both excuse themselves from the table and walk outside. I can still see them from where I'm sitting, and I try to read Kian's lips since JC had his back to me.

Suddenly Kian's face went blank and he looks over in my direction. I try to look away fast so that he doesn't see me looking at them. Immediately I try to start conversation at the table with Ricky, Connor and Andrea. Though, throughout our conversation, my mind kept wondering back to what Kian and JC were talking about outside.


Hellooo :)
Okay, so here's chapter 8!
I hope you all liked it!

And how did you guys like JC's P.O.V? Let me know if I should do more of those, or anyone else's P.O.V!

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It would really mean a lot to me!

Thank you!!
-Liliana <3

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