Chapter 21

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Kiara's P.O.V

He just tapped on my window. Oh my god. What do I do? Do I look at him, or pretend he isn't there?!

Apparently I had been thinking to myself for a few seconds cause he tapped on my window again. I looked at him slowly, only to see a younger male (he looked at 25) staring back at me with a smirk.

"Come on baby... open the window at least so we can talk!" he says while tapping the window once more. Oh no! This is so scary! I was getting even more scared seeing that they were all crowded around my car, so there was no escaping.

Just as he was about to say something again, the sound of screeching tires made us all turn our heads towards the parking lot entrance. I couldn't really see what was happening, cause all these guys were standing around my car blocking my view.

Only moments later I heard the sound of slamming their doors. I got even more nervous knowing I had no idea or control over what was happening.

"Can I help you man?" the guys who tapped on my window says. It was silent before I finally heard someone speak up.


JC's P.O.V

"Can I help you man?" he said with a smirk on his face. I was honestly so tempted to knock this guy out right here, the only reason I didn't is because I was definitely out numbered. Even though I had Kian and Ricky with me, this guy had at least 6 other guys!

"Why don't you just back off the girl and her car, and walk away?" I say to him while trying to keep my voice down, not wanting to frighten Kiara.

"Don't tell me what to do!" he guy says while stepping closer to me. I have to admit I was a little scared, a group of guys I didn't know were trying to corner Ricky, Kian and I. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw the same guy pull his jacket back a little bit. It was then I noticed he had a gun!

Ricky's P.O.V

The guys were getting closer, and you could tell I wasn't the only was getting kinda scared. I noticed how all of them had their eyes fixated on JC, which was honestly perfect. No, not because they wouldn't notice me, but because I could call the cops! I knew that if I called the cops, they could trace my call since I wasn't able to speak at the moment.

I looked over at Kiara's car, trying to see if I would be able to see her. But since there were so many of them, I just couldn't see her yet. I felt so bad for her! She must have been so terrified! And I don't blame her, this is a terrifying situation to be in!

But I was yanked from my thoughts when I heard someone being thrown against a car. I looked to my left to see JC being pushed against my car by this random guy!

"You gonna do that again, punk?!" the guy says, his words laced with venom, directly into JC's face. But before he could respond, the sound of cop cars and sirens started coming towards us. Immediately the guy lets go of JC, and his and his little 'crew' ran away. Looks like they must repeat offenders!

Just as the cops pulled up next to my car, JC and Kian ran to Kiara's to check up on her. Once they opened the doors she basically jumped into their arms hugging them both!

"Thank you! Thank you guys so much!" she said, still with one arm wrapped around each of them. Before any of us could respond, one of the police officers came up to us.

"I'm assuming one of you phoned 911?" The police officer lady says to all of us.

"I did m'am" I reply and look back at Kiara, who was literally shaking. I then explained to the lady what happened, with the help of Kiara of course.

Once we finished speaking with the officer, she took down Kiara's contact information and said they'd be in touch. As they drove off, we noticed how dark it had become so fast. We all wanted nothing more than to go home.

"Will one of you come in my car with me? I kinda don't wanna be alone right now..." Kiara says looking at all of us.

"I'll go with you." JC says, as he pulls Kiara into a gentle hug. "We'll meet you guys at home?" he says to Kian and I. We simply nod, and all get into our cars.

JC's P.O.V

As we go into Kiara's car, I still noticed how shaky she was.

"Do you want me to drive?" I said, because it was quite evident she was still in shock and scared over this whole situation.

"Yeah, please." she said, with a weak smile as she got out of the car to switch places with me.

After switching seats with Kiara, she simply leaned her head against the passenger window and stared blankly outside. I felt like I needed to say something to her, to comfort her. But I didn't know what to say.

10 minutes into our drive home, she finally broke the silence. "Thank you" she said faintly.

"For what?" I asked, even though I had quite a rough idea of what she was talking about.

"For everything. Not just basically saving my life tonight, but everything! Literally ever since I met you, you've been nothing but nice to me! I just wanna say I really appreciate it, and I...never mind." she says then looks back out the window.

"You what?" I ask, hoping she'll finish her sentence.

"I don't wanna ruin our friendship by saying this though..." she says while avoiding eye contact.

"Don't he afraid to talk to me, I'll always be here!" I say, and put one of my hands on her knee. Seconds later I hear her take a deep breath, preparing for whatever she's planning on telling me.

"JC, I kinda like you... but more than a friend..." she said faintly again, literally making my heart skip a beat.

"You do?!" I say in disbelief.

"Yeah, and I totally understand if you don't feel the same about me! It's understandable!" she says as we pull up to a red light. I look over at her to see her gazing in my direction. I didn't know how to tell her I liked her too, so I did what I always wanted to do again.

I kissed her.

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