The Aptitude Test

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Larissa POV

My last day in this hell hole. Finally. Today I would take the aptitude test and be so close to being with Tobias that I actually don't care what Marcus does.

Today, I travelled to school with Susan Black our neighbour as my leg was still a bit sore. This meant I had to get up earlier than normal.

When we got to school, we had to do lessons till lunch so I headed off to where my next lesson is. Maths. The window outside of maths is the one with a clear view of dauntless so I go and stand there in hope Tobias will jump off that train. He doesn't but I see Uri heading towards me. I'm going to ask Uri today if my brother is still in dauntless.

L"Heyyyy Uri"

U"Hi Iz"

L"Okay so I was wondering..."


L"Is my brother still in Dauntless?"

U"Who is your brother"

L"Tobias Eaton, Abnegation transfer 2 years ago"

U"I'm not sure sorry Izzy"

L"It's fine"

U"Actually Iz I think he might be- my brother Zeke was in that initiation class and I know he's best friends with a stiff transfer and thinking bout you and Four do look similar "

L"Omg are u joking?? I don't care what I get then I'm choosing Dauntless"

Time Skip

Natalie Prior" From Abnegation Larissa Eaton and Susan Black, From Dauntless Uriah Pedrad and Marlene Downs, From Candor Christina Conway and Peter Hayes, From Erudite Will Trickett and Myra Pucket and from Amity Joy Rose and Daisy Crown.

I stood up with Susan and we headed towards the test rooms.

There was a dauntless girl. She said her name was Tori. 

*Aptitude Test*

T"Your result is Dauntless, you can go home now"

I was going to be joining Toby in Dauntless and hopefully Chris, Will and Uri.

Time Skip

When I got home, Marcus asked what my result was. I told him Dauntless. I didn't care what he did to me now. There was less than 24 hours now before I was reunited with Tobias.

Marcus started hitting me with his belt. Then he burnt my collar bone. Then he carved the word traitor into my arm. I passed out. When I woke up Marcus started to rape me. The same as the day Tobias left.

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