Chapter 1- A new start

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Chapter 1- A new start

Now I am, in no way sure, what you are supposed to feel when death is on your doorstep, or in my case in front of me in the woods, but for some reason I figured I wasn’t dead. In fact I was very warm, and comfortable. At the same time though I was still so tired.

My body might have been be warm and thawed out, but my mind was foggy, and dizzy. I hurt, everywhere. I could feel something move beside me, but I really didn’t care, I was just so tired, my eyes didn't open I snuggled back a bit and relaxed my mind to go back to sleep.

When I awoke next, I felt better, I was still weak from not eating, but over all I felt better. I could see faint light over my eyes lids and decided to try and open them. At first the light hurt, and I flinched back shutting my eyes, but after a bit I tried to reopen one eye at least, leaving it was all blur of different greens and browns, and a bit of sunlight flickered in my vision, all mushing together.

The smell of fresh water and upturned earth, floated to my nose making it wrinkle on reflex. I could also smell musky and dampness. But I could also smell wet dog. I opened my eyes to gain the full view around me, noticing that Beaner was still tucked in my arm, as I glanced down. Still trying to focus my eyes, I noticed a very sift brown fur, spread all around me like a giant skirt, I couldn’t see a beginning or an end to what it was, but it was warm, I knew that.

Glancing around again, I took in where I was, not to over concerned about the brown fur around me, for some reason I felt safe and secure, so I didn’t question it. As I looked around I realized I was in dirt, or at least I think that’s what it was, the roof was made of dirt, I could see roots covering it, in fact I could see roots all around the walls and roof.

Bugs scattered here and there, running around moving dirt, pebbles or leaves, gathering scraps and bounding over twigs that littered the floor. I could hear them as they moved and scuttled around. Centipedes crawled here and there, their many legs moving in a rhythm unknown to my ears, but visually it grossed me out.

I shivered, unable to not imagine the bugs crawling on me, and that’s when I heard the breathing. My own breath hitched in my throat, and my eyes widened so big, I was afraid they would fall out. But I didn’t dare move. What if a bear had found me, and I was its dinner. What if the mean men had found me, what if-

A loud groan cut off my thoughts, when it sounded right behind me, making my head whip around, again on reflex, and what I saw was not what I would have imagined, a giant dogs head was laying against part of my back but its nose was around my waist and under my arm, breathing in and out, asleep.

It was beautiful, a sandy gold brown, the colors moulded and blended the soft fur together, like a colourful pallet. I remembered I was shocked to say the least, and I didn’t want to move in case it woke up, so I stayed the way I was, frozen, but when I heard another sound, more like a yawn, my head, whipped around to the other side, where another head was laying on my knee. Much like the other doggy, it had similar colours but this one had more black on its nose, and its right eye, almost like a pirate patch. It was kind of neat.

This dog too was sleeping. As I looked at them both, really looked at them, I took in the size, they were huge. I still couldn’t see where the end of them was, but now that I saw the heads, that didn’t really matter.

I know for a fact that I am about four feet tall, and mommy had said I took after my daddy. But sitting there, those puppies made me look very small. At the same time I wondered how it was that I could see over them, I mean they were very, very big doggies. That’s when I realized I was sitting on something, is when it moved, and I so graciously fell to the side, landing on the head of the dog behind me.

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