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-Wake up, you're gonna be late for school!

I get up really fast, take my phone and open it. "Liar", I think when I see that I have plenty of time left, before school starts.
It is a regular monday morning. I get up and go to bathroom. I wash my face with some cold water, and look myself on the mirror. My brown hair is up in a really messy but and I have dark circles under my blue eyes. I go back to my room and change. I decide to wear a pair of white, high waisted jeans, and a nude croptop. I brush my hair and do my "go to" makeup look; foundation, concealer, powder, mascara, eyebrows, countour, highlighter and some nude lipstick. Then I go downstairs, take my school bag, put on some white converse shoes and my jacket. I open the door and feel the cold, fresh morning air. I plug my headphones in my ears and walk to the buss stop, humming along the music from my favorite playlist.
After a while, my buss comes and I get in. I take my silver IPhone, open the lockscreen and tap on the Instagram-app. I have gotten some likes and a few comments. I like some pictures and leave a few comments here and there, on my friends' pictures. To be honest, I take Instagram pretty seriously, haha.
The buss stops again and soon two boys get in. I'm sure that I haven't seen them before. They look really simular, so they must be twins. They are probably around my age. They have the same brown eyes, both of them are around 175cm tall, so a little taller than what I am. To me they look pretty much the same, but the other one has a little longer hair, but I've got to admit that they are both super hot.
I feel how someone taps my shoulder and I look up. There stands the other one of the hot twins, the one with the longer hair. I quickly take off my headphones and look him in his dark brown eyes with a confused look.
Boy: -Is this seat taken?
I just shake my head a little.
Boy: -Can I sit here?
-Ummm sure.
He sits down on the seat next to mine, and takes his phone.
  I'm always a very curious person, and I can't help myself, but look at him closer. And wow, he actually looks even better than I thought. He has on light blue, ripped jeans, a black jacket which is open, so you can see that he has a white hoodie underneath. So he also is stylish, which makes him even better.
  Suddenly he looks up from his phone, at me, and I look down righ away, trying to avoid an eye contact.
Boy: -Caught you. He said laughing a little.
-Haha, I was just tryina recognize you, but I clearly couldn't. Who are you?
Boy: -I just moved here a few days ago, I'm Marcus, nice to meet you. He said and shook my hand, and hugged me quickly.
-Well nice to meet you too Marcus! I said smiling.
  I just sat there, literally staring at him like an idiot, for a while. I looked at his gorgeous face; he had the most perfect, full lips, and a sharp jawline. His brown eyes were so warm and his blonde hair, which had darker roots, was perfectly falling down to his face, framing it at the same time. I was looking forward to getting closer with him, literally;)
Marcus: -Hello? He said shaking his hand in front of my face.
-Oh sorry... I just had a little rough weekend.
Marcus: -Tell me about it
-Well it might not be the best idea going to a party on sunday evening, if you have school on monday morning... I said laughing a little.
-Ahh, my head is literally hurting like hell!
Marcus: -So you're the one who knows every party nearby... better keep that in mind, just in case... he said with a little sarcastic tone on his voice.
-Yeah just call me and I'll tell you everything
  After a while the buss stops in front of the school.
Marcus: -So this is the place
-Yesss, welcome to your new, amazing school.
Marcus: -Thank you so much, this is so impressive! (they were speaking sarcastically)
  We get off the buss.
-Um well, I guess we'll see again sometime... or do you need help finding the door?
Marcus: -Yeah sure, and I think that I can find it by myself, but thanks. He said laughing.
Marcus: -See ya!
I wink at him and turn around and go into the school building, which is already full of students. I start walking to my friends. We're the "popular" ones.

-Missed me?;)
Alex: -Of course, you and your body;)
-Oh you little perv;)
Zoe: -Enough now, you two can get a room or go to the bathroom or something... but have you heard about the new boy?
-Actually yes, and there is two new guys.
Zoe: -Really? Are they like twins or something?
Eva: -Well what did they look like?
-They were both hot af. Like for real.
  Suddenly someone wraps his hands around me...
Jake: -Wanna come over tonight baby?;) He whispers in my ear.
-We'll see about that...;)

Hey again

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