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I walk to my locker, open it and try to find my biology books. The others have already gone to our class, so I'm alone.
Obviously I can't find it, and I'm already late.
:-Well, well, well, look who's the one really needing help with finding things? I hear someone saying.
I turn around and see Marcus and his twin.
-Haha, you're so funny! I say sarcastically.
-But what are you two doing here? It's your first day here, and your already late from your first class, o-ou, I would say. You're probably in so much troube now. I continue with an annoying voice.
Marcus: -And so are you
-Atleast it's not my first day...
We laughed a little.
-Okey real talk now, what are you really doing here? What do you have?
Marcus: -Martinus has history and I have biology.
-So what are you doing here then? I said with an annoying smile on my lips, I just wanted to annoy Marcus a little more.
Martinus: -We couln't find to the classes.
-So it seems like you're the one who could use some help, after all. I said pointing to Marcus.
Martinus: -Okey, could you two please stop doing that and just focus to this now, or we are really gonna get into some trouble??!
Marcus: -Wow, chill bro!
-Yeah okey, so Martinus; the history class is in the second floor, I can come and show you, and Marcus; I actually have biology too, so I can come with you.
  First we walked Martinus the history class and then we walked back to the first floor. I sat to a bench and Marcus looked at me with a little confused look.
-I don't think I'm gonna go to the lesson now.
Marcus: -Oh come on!
Marcus: -How am I supposed to find there without you?
I just shook my shoulders. I started laughing and stood up.
-Okey let's go then!
Then we started walking towards the biology class.
-And hey, congratulations for getting to the same class with me!
Marcus: -Oh yeah, this must be my lucky day...
-Yeah lucky you.

Marcus : -You know you can be, or you actually ARE fucking distracting? He said laughing.
-Yeah, and you're fucking hot. I said with a calm voice.
Marcus: -What?? He sounded really surprised and maybe even a little shocked.
  But he didn't get to say anything more, because we were already in front of the biology classes door, and I had already knocked and our teacher opened it.

Zoe: -Already? She said when she saw who I was with.
I just shook my head a little and walked to my seat, next to Alex.

  After the lesson we got up, got our things and walked out of the class room.
Zoe: -So where were you?
-I just couldn't find my books and then they showed up and I had to help them find to class and all that kinda stuff... nothing interesting really. I said rolling my eyes.
Zoe: -'They'?
-Oh yeah, he and his twin brother.
Jake: -So, what's the plan for them?
-Two new hot guys? Well what do you think it is?

A shorter one today

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