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-Hey! I shouted and he turned around. When he saw me, he instantly started smiling. I took a few more steps towards him, so I could walk with him to where ever he was going.
-Need some help? I said with an annoying voice, trying to tease him a little.
Marcus: -I think I can handle this on my own, thanks. He said and fake smiled at me.
-You just seemed a little lost...

-You know the gym is that way? I said and pointed to the other side of the corridor.
-Oh of course I do. He answered, turned around and started walking to the way I had pointed at him.
-Sure. I said more to myself than to him.
  I followed him all the way to the dressing rooms in a silence. Before he entered to the boys dressing room he turned towards me.
-So anyways... I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my party on friday?
Marcus: -This friday?
-Yeah... and Martinus can come too, of course.
Marcus: -Okey sure. We'll be there!

I walk into the gym with Mike, interupting the lesson.
teacher:- You are late! Again. Where have you two been this time? She said and gave us a bad look.
teacher: -Go ahead, tell us all.
Mike: -I don't even bother telling you, because I'm sure that even the stupidest one here, knows already. He said and smiled trying to annoy her even more.
teacher: -Okay, enough! You two can join everyone else and start warming up.
  We started running around the gym with the others, but I couldn't see Marcus anywhere, so I decided to go look for him. As everyone was running past the door to boys dressing room, I sneaked in. Luckily the teacher didn't notice, and neither did anyone else.
  I see Marcus sitting on a bench. He looks up at me surprised, as I walk to him.

-Missed me already?
Marcus: -How could I not? He says and gives me a fake smile.

-What are you doing here?
Marcus: -Ehh... I forgot to take my sportswear.
Marcus: -Shouldn't you go back?
-Or I mean... I probably should, but I won't.
Marcus: -Okey then.

  Then we just sit there in a silence. I open my hair from my ponytale.
-Can I braid your hair?
Marcus: -What? He says surprised.
-Can I braid your hair? I repeat.
Marcus: -No I heard what you said, but what? Why?
-Come on! It's gonna look fancy af!! I said with a higher voice.
I got up and sat to his lap, with my both legs on each side of him.
-Sorry I just got to part your hair into two sections first.
-I'm gonna make you two french braids!
Marcus: -Nice! He said acting interested and "showing me his thumb".

Marcus: -Are you ready soon?
He was sitting on the floor and I sat behind him on the bench.
-Yep. I'm ready now.
He was getting up but I pulled him back.
I sat on his lap again and took some babyhairs down.
-Now it looks even better. I said and smiled. He smiles back to me and looks me deep into my eyes.

  But suddenly the door opens, on the other side of the room. Our teacher comes in and sees me sitting on Marcus on the floor. She looks shocked.
I quickly get up and whisper to Marcus' ear;
"I'm sorry"

Seriously my life goal is to get to braid his hair... and sorry for all the mistakes, I am super tired and as you have probably noticed, English isn't my first language... not even the second tbh lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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