chapter 2 : I'm out to LA

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BEST BRO: hey im here waiting text me when you land

Me: Elton you're 2hours early you bafoon go home

BEST BRO: you mean to tell me I drove about 2 hours in LA traffic and you want ME to go back?

Me: well considering I've never been to LA how bad could it be?

BEST BRO: oh you just wait Alex

Me:lol okay i gtg planes about to take off i love you squeak

BEST BRO: i love you too squirt be safe

Wow we are definitely the weirdest siblings ever. The flight from Vegas to LAX was about an hour. The movers are drivin with my stuff right now and everytime I think about it I cqn't believe I'm getting out of Vegas and honestly, I couldnt be happier. This is my first time going to LA too. Or California for that part. Our family never really took trips considering our mom was a single mom working inhuman hours trying to raise two kids. Elton helped a lot too consodering were 9 years apart. I also decided to finish school online since it would be hard to between California  and Nevada everyday obviously.

*(plane lands at LAX)*

BEST BRO: I'm in passenger pick-up

Me:okay our plane just landed and i only have a carry on so ill be there asap

As I'm walking off the plane i realized how nice and beautiful people of LA are. I definitely look out of place. Don't get me wrong people called me pretty before but I feel like a potato all the time. Granted I'm atheletic from 14 years of softball but I eat like a grown man but never gain weight. Also blessed with a fast metabolism.

As I was walking through people I walked through double-doors to see my brother standing next to his truck. I ran up and huhged him. God i missed him so much.
"Hey squirt I missed you"
"Hey squeak i missed you too. Man am i happy to be off that plane."
" I have a surprise for you"

"Elton no you know how i feel about surprises."

"Well it's more of a welcome-home-i finally-get-to-annoy-the-crap-out-of-you type surprise."

"Elton ever when you're not in Vegas you annoy me so what's the surprise"

He just glared at me at kept driving. We stopped at chick-fil-a because I was starving.
"So what's new with TFIL?"

"nothing really were staying home for a couple days so I can help you unpack and spend sometime before we all leave again. And to help you pack more clothes."

"Pack more clothes?"

"Yeah, while I'm gone I don't want you getting cooties over the house so you're coming with us"

"But what about school?"

"I already talked to mom and she already talked to your teachers and they're giving you a week off since you have straight A's"

" Elton but what about Keith? I'm sure he doesn't want a girl on a guys trip."

"For the last time his name is Heath and he was totally cool with it."

"Elton I dont know what to say"

"How about a *in a girl voice* omg elton your the best brother in the whole wide world"

"Now your just pushing your luck"

As we made it back to the house the movers were just in time. We unloaded wverything in to the garage for now and figured I'll go meet and greet everyone. And since I'm leaving in a couple days might as well wait. I walked  into the main house and all the lights were out.

"Elton you didn't pay your eletric bill again."

"Watch this" he said as he flicked  the  lights on.

All at once everyone all jumped out and said WELCOME HOME!

I turned to Elton and gave him a huge hug. I couldn't believe people I barely knew would do this.

After everyone calmed down I got a water and Elton introduced me to everyone

"Squirt this is Liza, Gabbie, Dacid, Jason, Other Alex, Bignik, Scott, you already know Zane, and Todd."

"Hi, I'm Alex. Eltons baby sister"

Elton turned to Zane and whispered something I couldn't understand. Liza and Gabbie came up to me and greated me saying "its finally nice to meet you your brother talks a lot about you"

I was about to say the same when a beautiful specimen walked through the door.


Oh um i mean Heath.
Sorry I was never good at names


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