chapter 5: are you kidding?

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Wow maybe my plan worked. I  text him back immediately.

Me: wow whos this?

Unkonown number: really alex.

Me: what I can't be too certain 

Unknown: it's Heath. You know your roommate? Wow ruin the moment

Me: OMG I cant believe im texting THE Heath Hussar. And what moment are you implying?

I start to freak out as realization hit me. Oh what have I done?! I can't like him my brother would kill us and besides thats my brothers best friend. But you also can't control you you like. Oh god Alex, he just texted you calm down. I hear the door open and it pulls me away from  my thoughts. Surprisingly it's Heath.

Heath: "Hey do you think you could get out of the house tonight? I could show you around town. I think Elton has plans and Zane and Toddy are going  to the gym so that leaves us.

Me:" yeah that sounds great! What were you planning on doing?"

Heath:"Go out for Ice cream?  Walk around on the pier? Ride the ferris wheel."

Me:" All the above? I'll pay."

Heath:" You're not gonna pay for our date-night out"

I try to not think that he just said the D word. All of a sudden Elton burs into the room. Ruining the moment. 

Elton:" Hey sorry was I interrupting something?" 

Heath:" No not at all we were just taking about going to the pier."

Elton:" Oh can I come? My plans got cancelled! The pier could be a TFIL video!"

Heath:" Yeah sure if its okay with Alex."

Me:" (CRINGING DEEPLY) Yeah sounds g-good"

Elton:" cool maybe Meghan can come!"

Oh no. Meghan can't come. She has the hots for Heath! Or at least that's what Elton says. But Elton also is "Ova Dremetic" as Zane would say. So who knows. I guess we'll see. I've never even met the girl and if what Elton says is true, we are gonna have problems> Major problems. 

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